Drigolion Seion gwiwlan saint

(Molwch yr Arglwydd)
Drigolion Seion, gwiwlan saint,
Sy'n cadw'r broffes fawr
    ei braint;
  Yn maethu'ch plant
      yn ofn Duw nef,
  Yn ngwir athrawiaeth ei air ef.

Chwychwi yw deiliaid
    gwir Fab Duw,
Dan ei lywodraeth nefol wiw;
  O'ch gwirfodd oll gwnewch ufuddhau,
  I gario'i sanctaidd groes a'i iau.

Pob un o'ch dyledswyddau sydd,
I'ch gwir ddyddanu
    trwy'ch holl ddydd:
  A'r uchaf a'r ddifyraf yw
  Molianu dwyfol enw Duw.

Doed holl amgyffrediadau dyn,
Ei nwydau a'i gynneddfau'n un;
  I gyd i ddwyn cynnorthwy'n hyn,
  I'w lais i ganmol Iesu gwyn.

Daioni mawr fod Duw'n mhob man,
I wrando gweddi'r enaid gwan;
  Ond derfydd y ddyledswydd lân,
  Ond un drag'wyddol ydyw'r gân.

Hyfforddi a chynghori ynghyd,
Yn llwyr a berthyn oll i'r byd;
  Ond mawl a diolchgarwch gwiw
  Sydd megys teyrnged a gais Duw.

Mae hardd addoliad y gwir Dduw
Yn fraint oruchaf dynolryw;
  Ond mawl mewn gorfoleddawl flas
  Sydd i goroni moddion gras.

Mae'n hyfryd teithio'r
    dwfr a'r tân,
Wrth reol
    yr ysgrythyr lân;
  Ond canu'n llon,
      sy'n codi'n llef
  Mewn dymuniadau am y nef.

Gall fod caledwch un yn cloi,
Neu'n gyru effeithiau'r gair i ffoi:
  Ond wrth egori pyrth y gân,
  Bydd dagrau'n gwlychu gruddiau glân.

O Ienctyd Cymru, boed ein cais
I arfer ein melysber lais,
  I'r Hwn a'n carodd ni, rai cas,
  Fu'n marw drosom o'i rad ras.

O! parotöed Ysbryd Duw
Gynneddfau ein heneidiau'n wiw;
  I ganu'n llithrig âg un llef,
  Nes bo'm mewn hiraeth am y nef.
1807 Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) 1784-1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Praise the Lord)
Inhabitants of Zion, wholly worthy saints,
Who keep the great profession
    of their privilege;
  Nurturing your children
      in the fear of the God of heaven,
  In the true teaching of his word.

Ye are the tenants
    of the true Son of God,
Under his heavenly, worthy governing;
  Of all your free will ye do obey
  To carry his holy cross and his yoke.

Each one of your duties is
Truly to comfort you
    through your whole day:
  And the highest and the most pleasant is
  To praise the divine name of God.

Let all the comprehensions of man become,
His desires and his instincts as one;
  Together to bring this help,
  To his voice to praise blessed Jesus.

The great goodness that God is everywhere,
To hear the prayer of the weak soul;
  But the holy duty shall end,
  But an eternal one is the song.

Instructing and counselling together,
Completely belong all to the world;
  But worthy praise and gratatitude
  Are like tribute which God seeks.

The beautiful worship of the true God is
The highest privilege of humankind;
  But praise in a jubilant taste
  Is to crown the means of grace.

It is delightful to travel the
    water and the fire,
According to the rule
    of the holy scripture;
  But singing cheerfully,
      which is raising our voice
  In requests for heaven.

There can be one hardship closing,
Or driving the effects of the word to flee:
  But on opening the portals of the song, 
  Tears will be wetting holy cheeks.

O Youth of Wales, may our request be
To practice our sweet voice,
  To Him who love us, detestable ones,
  Who died for us of his free grace.

O may the Spirit of God prepare
The courts of our hearts worthily;
  To sing fluently with one voice,
  Until we are in longing for heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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