Duw anfeidrol yw dy enw (Llanw'r nefoedd llanw'r byd)
Duw anfeidrol yw dy enw (Llenwi'r nefoedd llenwi'r byd)

1,2,((3),4);  1,2,4,5,6.
(Ymofyn am Dduw)
Duw anfeidrol yw dy enw,
  Llanw'r nefoedd, llanw'r byd;
F'enaid innau sy'n dy olrhain
  Trwy'r greadigaeth faith i gyd:
    Ffaelu a'th ffeindio
  I'r cyflawnder sy arna'i chwant.

D'wed a ellir
    nesu atat,
  D'wed a ellir
      dy fwynhau,
Heb un gorchudd ar dy wyneb,
  Nac un gwg i'm llwfwrhau:
    Dyma'r nefoedd
  A ddeisyfwn tu yma i'r bedd.

Ffaelu'r wyf fi â'th orddiwes,
  Ffaelu â'th gyrraedd Di yn lân,
Er fy mod yn gweld dy gamre
  Perffaith, hyfryd, draw o'm blaen:
    Doed yr amser
  Na bo awr
      heb dy fwynhau.

Yn y man 'rwyt Ti'n cartrefu
  Y cyweiriaf fi fy nyth;
Gwedd dy ŵyneb
    fydd fy nefoedd
  Yma ac oddi yma byth:
    Nid oes bleser
  A gyflawna byth dy le.

Dallu'm llygaid mae gwrthddrychau
  Teg yr olwg yn y byd,
Gwaelion, gweigion, a disylwedd,
  Ond eu chwilio y'nt i gyd;
    Diflas, diflas,
  Imi'r cwbl ond fy Nuw.

Duw wy'n 'mofyn, Duw wy'n chwilio,
  Duw raid imi gael, a'i ras;
Nid yw'r ddae'r yn cyffyg imi
  Dim ond sy'n ennynu nghas;
    Pob gwrthddrychau
  Sydd yn wagedd wrth eu trin.
Llanw'r :: Llenwi'r
Ffaelu a'th ffeindio :: Methu'th ganfod
A ddeisyfwn tu yma i'r :: ('R) wyf am gael tu yma'r
'rwyt Ti'n cartrefu :: b'ost ti'n cartrefu
Y cyweiriaf fi :: Minnau yno wnaf
A gyflawna byth dy :: Tan yr haul gyflawna'th

William Williams 1717-91
Ffarwel Weledig 1763

Tonau [878747]:
Abergynolwyn (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Frankfort (Philipp Nicolai 1556-1608)
Gwenllian (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Oriel (Cantica Sacra 1840)
Plymouth (Robert Edwards)
Russia (Alexis F Lvov 1798-1870)
Verona (alaw Ellmynaidd)

  Croesau trymion sydd yn felus
  Chwilio am danat addfwyn Arglwydd

(Searching for God)
Infinite God is thy name,
  Filling the heavens, filling the world;
My own soul is pursuing thee
  Through all the vast creation:
    Failing to find thee
  For the fullness which I desire.

Say whether thou art able
    to be approached,
  Say whether thou art able
      to be experienced,
Without any covering over thy face,
  Nor any frown to dishearten me:
    This is the heaven
  I would choose this side of the grave.

Failing I am to overtake thee,
  Failing to reach Thee completely,
Although I see thy steps
  Perfect, delightful, yonder before me:
    Let the time com
  That there be no hour
      without experiencing thee.

In the place Thou art dwelling
  I shall fix my nest;
The countenance of thy face
    shall be my heaven
  Here and away from here forever:
    There is no pleasure
  Which shall ever fill thy place.

Blinding my eyes are the objects
  Fair of sight in the world,,
Base, empty, and insubstantial,
  But seeking them they are all;
    Uninteresting, uninteresting,
  To me the whole except my God.

God I am asking for, God I am seeking,
  God I must get, and his grace;
The earth is not offering me
  Anything but what kindles hatred;
    All objects
  Are emptiness in their effect.
Flooding the :: Filling the
I would choose this this of the :: I want to get this side of the
I will fix :: I too will make
Which shall ever fill thy :: Under the sun which shall fill thy

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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