Duw Cadw ni rhag drwg a gwae

(PSALM 16 ad.1,2,4—7.
Yr Arglwydd yw rhan fy etifeddiaeth.)

Duw, cadw ni rhag drwg a gwae,

  Can's ynot mae'n hymddiried;

Er nad yw'n dâ ddim oll i ti,

  Moes ini dy ymwared.

I'r rhai a redant at dduw gau, 
  Y daw gofidiau lawer; 
Ond Duw, i'r dyn ei air a wna, 
  Sy'n gyfran dda bob amser.

I ni, trwy ras, y syrthiodd rhan

  O fewn y fan hyfrydaf;

Digwyddodd ini, er ein maeth,

  Yr etifeddiaeth lanaf.

Bendithiwn ninnau Dduw ein Iôr,
  Rydd in' y cyngor gorau;
Ei air a'i yspryd enfyn in',
  I'n tywys yn ei lwybrau.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Rhan II - Dy osod boed in' ger ein bron
  Yr Arglwydd Ior yn unig yw
  Yr Arglwydd yn wastadol yw

(Psalm 16:1,2,4-7.
The Lord is the portion of my inheritance.)

God, keep us from evil and woe,

  Since in thee is our trust;

Although goods are nothing at all to thee,

  Give us thy deliverance.

To those who run to a false god,
  Shall come many griefs;
But Go, to the man who does his word,
  Will be a good portion every time.

To us, through grace, has fallen a lot

  Within the most delightful place;

For us has happened, for our nourishment

  The purest inheritance.

Let us then bless God our Lord,
  Who gives us the best counsel;
His word and his spirit he sends to us,
  To lead us in his paths.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
1 Protect me from my cruel foes,
    and shield me, Lord, from harm,
  Because my trust I still repose
    on thy Almighty arm.

2 My soul all help but thine does slight,
    all gods but thee disown;
  Yet can no deeds of mine requite
    the goodness thou has shown.

4 How shall their sorrows be increased,
    who other gods adore?
  Their bloody off'rings I detest,
    their very names abhor.

5 My lot is fall'n in that blest land
    where God is truly known;
  He fills my cup with lib'ral hand;
    'tis he supports my throne.

6 In nature's most delightful scene
    my happy portion lies;
  The place of my appointed reign
    all other lands out-vies.

7 Therefore my soul shall bless the Lord,
    whose precepts give me light,
  And private counsel still afford
    In sorrow's dismal night.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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