Duw cariad oedd cyn nefoedd ac yn awr

(Cariad Duw)
Duw, cariad oedd, -
    cyn nefoedd, ac yn awr;
Duw, cariad yw, -
    i ninau'n byw bob awr;
  Duw, cariad fydd, -
      Pen-llywydd mawr
            pob lle:
  Mewn gras, mewn grym,
      'does dim
            a'i newid E'.
Edward Jones 1761-1836


gwelir: Ysbryd yw Duw anfeidrol byw diball

(The Love of God)
God, he was love, -
    before heaven, and now;
God, he is love, -
    for us to live every hour;
  God, he shall be love, -
      The great Chief Governor
            of every place:
  In grace, in force,
      there is nothing
            that shall change Him.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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