Duw cyfarwydda fi a'th ras

(Dymuniad i fod yn fwy duwiol)
Duw, cyfarwydda fi a'th ras,
I ochel ffyrdd annuwiol cas;
  Fel na chartrefwyf gyda'r llu,
  Sydd beunydd yn dy gablu di.

Arferion diras
    plant y fall,
Yw hudo i ddrwg naill y llal:
  I mi'r hyfrydwch mwyaf fo,
  Ymddiddan am y nefol fro.

Erfyniaf nerth
    tra byddwyf byw,
I anrhydeddu enw Duw;
  A gweled ei ogoniant gwir,
  O fewn ardaloedd nefol dir.

Moes imi gael preswylfa gu,
Yn mhlith dy blant o fewn dy dŷ;
  Gad imi wel'd dy serchog wedd,
  A phrofiad hael
      o'th ras a'th hedd.
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

[Mesur MH 8888]

Gwelir: Mae rhai yn arfer ofer wŷn

(Desire to be more godly)
God, train me with thy grace,
To avoid ungodly, detestable ways;
  That I make not my home with the throng,
  Who are daily blaspheming thee.

The practices of the graceless
    children of the pestilence,
Are tempting to evil one and another:
  May my delight henceforth be,
  To take comfort in the heavenly region.

I will petition for strength
    while ever I live,
To honour the name of God;
  And see his true glory,
  Within regions of a heavenly land.

Grant me to get a dear residence,
Amongst thy children within thy house;
  Let me see thy affectionate face,
  And experience the generosity
      of they grace and thy peace.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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