(Teyrnas Grist y'mhlith y cenedloedd.) Duw, dod i'r Brenin farn o'r nef, Dod i'w Fab ef gyfiawnder: Yna y rhydd rhwng pobl iawn frawd, Ac i'r dyn tlawd unionder. Hedd a chyfiawnder, ar ol hyn, Geir ym mhob bryn a mynydd: Y gwan a'r llesg achub a wna, Fe ddryllia y gorthrymydd. Byth hwy a'th ofnant ar bob tro, Tra treiglo haul a lleuad; Fe ddisgyn fel gwlaw ar wellt glas, Neu gawod fras ar wastad. I'w ddyddiau ef cerir yr iawn, A'r cyfiawn a flodeua: Ac aml fydd hedd ar ddaear gron, Tra fo'r lloer hon yn para. Can's y dyn rheidus, a'r gŵr gwan, Fe'i gweryd pan weddďo; Bydd i bob dyn yn nerthol dŵr, A'r ni bo pleidiwr ganddo. 'Rhyd pen y mynydd ŷd a gân, Fel brig coed Liban siglant; A'r plant, cyn amled a'r gwellt glas, O'r ddinas a flagurant. Os haul cylch wybren byth a dry, Byth pery enw iddo: Pawb a'i bendithiant ef yn wir, Pawb a fendithir ynddo. Bendigaid fo yr Arglwydd Dduw, Sef Duw yr Israel dirion; Ef byth yn unig sy'n parhau I wneuthur gwyrthiau mawrion. Bendigaid fyddo'i enw byth, Gogonedd dilyth iddo; A'i glod llanwer y ddaearen; Amen, Amen, hyn fyddo. Gogoniant fyth a fo i'r Tad, I'r Mab rhad, a'r Glân Ysbryd; Fel y bu, y mae, ac y bydd, Un Duw tragywydd hyfryd. ar ol hyn :: yn ol hyn llanwer y ddaearen :: trwy'r ddaear fyddo'n ben
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
(Christ's kingdom amongst the nations.) God, impart to the King judgment from heaven, Impart to his Son righteousness: Then he will give between people a right verdict, And to the poor man justice. Peace and righteousness, after this, Is to be had on every hill and mountain: The weak and the feeble he will save, He will break the oppressor. They will ever fear thee at every turn, While the sun and moon trundle; He will descend like rain on green grass, Or sumptuous showers continuously. In his days will the right be loved, And the righteous flourish: [earth; And peace will be multiplied on the round While this moon endures. For the needy man and the weak man, Shall be delivered when they pray; He shall be for every man as strong water, And the one who has no advocate. Along the top of the mountain corn will sing, Like the top of Lebanon's trees they shall sway; And the children, as numerous as the green grass, From the city they shall shoot up. If the sun of the sky's circle forever shall turn, Forever shall his name endure: All will bless him truly, All will be blessed in him. Blessed be the Lord God, That is, the God of tender Israel; He forever, only, shall endure To perform great miracles. Blessed shall be his name forever, Unfailing glory to him; And his praise is to fill the earth; Amen, Amen, this shall be. Glory forever be to the Father, To the gracious Son, and the Holy Spirit; As it was, is, and shall be, One eternal, delightful God. :: is to fill the earth :: through the earth shall be supreme tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion |
1 Lord, let thy just decrees the king in all his ways direct; And let his son, throughout his reign, thy righteous laws respect. 2 So shall he still thy people judge with pure and upright mind, Whilst all the helpless poor shall him their just protector find. 3 Then hills and mountains shall bring forth the happy fruits of peace, Which all the land shall own to be the work of righteousness; 4 Whilst he the poor and needy race shall rule with gentle sway, And from their humble necks shall take oppressive yokes away. 5 In ev'ry heart thy awful fear shall then be rooted fast, As long as sun and moon endure, or time itself shall last. 6 He shall descend like rain that cheers the meadows' second birth, Or like warm show'rs, whose gentle drops refresh the thirsty earth. 7 In his blest days the just and good shall be with favour crowned; The happy land shall every where with endless peace abound. 12 For he shall set the needy free when they for succour cry. Shall save the helpless and the poor, and all their wants supply. 13 His providence for needy souls shall due supplies prepare; And over their defenceless lives shall watch with tender care, 16 Of useful grain, through all the land, great plenty shall appear; A handful sown on mountain tops a mighty crop shall bear. Its fruit, like cedars shook by winds, a rattling noise shall yield; The city too shall thrive, and vie for plenty with the field. 17 The mem'ry of his glorious Name through endless years shall ruin; His spotless fame shall shine as bright and lasting as the sun. In him the nations of the world shall be completely blessed, And his unbounded happiness by ev'ry tongue confessed. 18 Then blessed be God, the mighty Lord, the God whom Israel fears; Who only wondrous in his works beyond compare appears. 19 Let earth be with his glory filled, and ever bless his Name; Whilst to his praise the list'ning world their glad assent proclaim.
N Tate & N Brady |