Duw gad i'm caniad hwyr heb warth
Duw gad im' hwyrol gān heb warth

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,(2),3,5.
(Hymn Brydnhawnol)
Duw, gad i'm caniad hwyr, heb warth
  Fel arogldarth ddyrchafu;
A helpia f'offrwm gwan o glod,
  Hyd nefoedd dd'od i fynu.

Trwy holl beryglon mawr y dydd,
  Dy law di sydd i'm gwarchod;
Ac i gyflawni fy holl raid,
  Dy nawdd a'th blaid sy' barod.

Parhaus fendithion oddi fry,
  Sydd yn f'amgylchu'n wastad;
Ond O! cyn lleied tāl (mae'n gam)
  Mae Duw'n gael am ei gariad.

Pa beth y wnaethum dros yr hwn
  Fu farw i gadw'm hene'd?
Och, fel mae'm ffoledd i'n amlhau,
  Fel y mae f'oriau'n cerdded!

Dy anwyl groes, - fy Nuw, at hon
  A'm calon euog rhedaf;
Ac i'w fywhau a'th ras wrth raid,
  I ti fy enaid rhoddaf.

Taenella hwn a'th waed mewn hedd,
  Caf orwedd yn ddi-gynnwr,
Megis yng nghol fy Nuw yn llon,
  Neu ar ddwy fron fy Mhrynwr.
i'm caniad hwyr :: im' hwyrol gān
A helpia f'offrwm :: O gad i'm hoffrwm
cyn lleied tāl :: cyn lleied mawl

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Evening Hymn)
God, let my evening song, without disgrace
  Like incense ascend;
And help my weak offering of praise,
  To heaven come up.

Through all the great perils of the day,
  Thy hand is guarding me;
And to fulfill all my need,
  Thy protection and thy support are ready.

Perpetual blessings from above,
  Are surrounding me constantly;
But O how little payment (it is a mistake)
  Is God getting for his love!

What did I do for him
  Who died to save my soul?
Oh, how my folly is multiplying,
  As my hours are progressing!

Thy dear cross, - my God, to this
  Shall my guilty soul run;
And to revive it with thy grace in need,
  To thee my soul I shall give.

Sprinkle it with thy blood in peace,
  I shall get to lie undisturbed,
As in the bosom of my God cheerfully,
  Or on the breasts of my Redeemer.
And help my offering :: O let my offering
how little payment :: how little praise

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

Dread Sovereign! let my evening song
  Like holy incense rise;
Assist the offerings of my tongue
  To reach the lofty skies.

Through all the dangers of the day
  Thy hand was still my guard,
And still to drive my wants away
  Thy mercy stood prepared.

Perpetual blessings from above
  Encompass me around,
But O how few returns of love
  Hath my Creator found!

What have I done for him that died
  To save my wretched soul?
How are my follies multiplied,
  Fast as my minutes roll!

Lord, with this guilty heart of mine
  To thy dear cross I flee;
And to thy grace my soul resign,
  To be renewed by thee.

Sprinkled afresh with pard'ning blood,
  I lay me down to rest,
As in th'embraces of my God,
  Or on my Saviour's breast.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, Book II, 7.

Tune [CM 8686]: Evan
    (William Henry Havergal 1793-1870)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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