Duw gyda mawl a syndod maith

(Gair Duw)
Duw gyda mawl a syndod maith
  Ar dy holl waith edrychaf;
Ond dy ddoethineb, nerth, a'th ddawn,
  O'th air a gawn egluraf.

Mae addysg i ni'n cael ei roi
  Gan sêr sy'n troi'n eu cylchoedd;
Ond yn dy air cyf'rwyddyd caf
  Pa ffordd yr âf i'r nefoedd.

Darpara'r meusydd fwyd i mi,
  Mawr yw daioni'r Arglwydd;
Ond ffrwytau'r bythol fywyd cair
  Wrth chwilio'i air yn hylwydd.

Yn hwn mae fy nhrysorau pur,
  Yn hwn mae 'nghysur odiaeth;
Yn hwn caf fy niwallu'n llawn,
  Yn hwn mae'm cyflawn obaith.

Duw, pâr im' ddeall cyfraith gu,
  A peth a fu 'mhechodau;
A dwg fi'th 'fengyl lân bob cam,
  Gael pardwn am fy meiau.

Dysg hon fi'r modd bu farw Crist,
  I achub f'athrist enaid;
Nid llyfrau'r byd i gyd sy'n ol,
  'Fath wyrthiau nefol ddywed.

Boed imi garu 'Meibl mwy,
  Ymhoffi fwy-fwy ynddo;
Darllen y gwyrthiau hyn y dydd,
  A'r nos eu prudd fyfyrio.
Swp o Ffigys 1825

1-3: T Williams, Bethesda.
Casgliad E Griffiths 1855

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Northampton Chapel (<1825)
    Pensford (<1825)
    Priestley (<1825)

God with praise and vast surprise
  At all thy work I look;
But thy wisdom, strength, and thy talent,
  From thy word I get more clearly.

There is teaching for us to get, given
  By stars which turn in their circles;
But in thy word training I get
  Which way I am going to heaven.

The fields provide food for me,
  Great is the goodness of the Lord;
But the fruits of the everlasting life
    are to be got
  By searching the word successfully.

In this are my pure treasures,
  In this is my exceptional comfort;
In this I get fully satisfied,
  In this is my hope fulfilled.

God, cause me to understand the dear law,
  And what my sins were;
And may thy pure gospel lead me every step,
  To get pardon for my faults.

May this teach me how Christ died,
  To save my sad soul;
Not all the world's book that are left,
  Such heavenly miracles tell.

May I love my Bible more,
  Delighting myself more and more in it;
Read these miracles by day,
  And by night solemnly meditate on them.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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