Duw Israel sy'n noddfa a nerth

1,(2,((3),4));   1,4.
(Salm XLVI)
Duw Israel sy'n noddfa a nerth,
 Yn hawdd mewn cyfyngder i'w gael,
Mewn adfyd pwy draetha ei werth?
  Mor barod y gweryd y gwael!
Am hyny pe siglai y byd
  Pe treiglid mynyddau i'r môr,
Er tyrfu y dyfroedd yn nghyd,
  Nid ofnwn
      yn nghysgod ein Ior.

Mae afon a'i ffrydiau yn fyw,
  I loni y ddinas i gyd -
Y lle a ddewisodd ein Duw,
  Uwchlaw holl ddinasoedd y byd;
Os daw y gelynion ar dro,
  Ar Sîon i ruthro'n gytûn,
Byth, byth ni symmudir
    tra bo',
  Yn drigfan i'r Brenin ei Hun.

Yn ofer, genedloedd y byd,
  Y sefwch yn erbyn ei law,
Ei anadl a'ch gwasgar i gyd,
  Y ddaear a dodda mewn braw;
Grym Arglwydd y lluoedd ei Hun
  Sy'n ddigon trag'wyddol wrth rai
Pa beth wna ystrywiau pob dyn
  Tra byddo Duw Sïon o'i phlaid.

O! gwelwch genedloedd i gyd,
  Weithredoedd rhyfeddol yr Ior,
Gorchuddir holl wyneb y byd
  A heddwch fel tònau y môr,
Rhyfeloedd a beidiant dros byth
  Ni chyfyd creulondeb ei llef;
Anthemau mil
    amlach na'r gwlith,
  A genir i Frenin y nef.
ein Ior :: yr Iôr

William Ambrose (Emrys) 1813-73

Tonau [8888D]:
Cleveland / St Andrew (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Edom (Thomas Evans ?-1824)
Hedd (alaw Gymreig)
Salome (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: Mae afon a'i ffrydiau yn fyw

(Psalm 46)
The God of Israel is a refuge and strength,
  Easily in straits to be had,
In adversity who can expound his worth?
  So readily he delivers the wretched!
Therefore if the word should shake
  If the mountains should trundle to the sea,
Despite all the waters being in tumult
  We will not fear
      in the shadow of our Sovereign.

There is a river with its streams living,
  To cheer all the city -
The place our God has chosen,
  Above all the cities of the world;
If the enemy comes sometime,
  Upon Zion to rush all together,
Never, ever are we to be moved
    while ever being
  A residence for the King Himself.

Vainly, nations of the world,
  Do ye stand against his hand,
His breath shall scatter you altogether,
  The earth he shall put in terror;
The force of the Lord of hosts Himself
  Is sufficient against those
Whatever the wiles of every man do
  While ever the God of Zion is on his side.

Oh, see, all ye nations,
  The wonderful deeds of the Sovereign,
To be covered is the whole face of the world
  With peace like the waves of the sea,
Wars shall cease for ever
  Cruelty will not raise its cry;
Anthems a thousand times
    more numerous than the dew,
  Are to be sung to the King of heaven.
our Sovereign :: the Sovereign

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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