Duw Israel molwn ef yn awr

Now be the God of Israel bless'd

(Can Zecharias, a Chennadwri Ioan
Fedyddiwr; neu, Oleuni a Iechydwriaeth
trwy Iesu Grist. Ioan i. 29, 32.)
Duw Israel molwn ef yn awr,
Sy'n eglurhau'i wirionedd mawr;
  Cwplaodd ei air,
      ei law sy gref,
  A'r llwon oll a dyngodd ef.

'Nawr Gwreiddyn Dafydd ei ddw'rhau
O'r nefoedd â bendithion mae;
  Blaguryn yr addewid ddaeth,
  Dyrchafu corn ein iechyd wnaeth.

Ioan oedd brophwyd Arglwydd nef,
I fyn'd o flaen ei wyneb ef,
  Y gennad yrrodd ef mewn urdd
  O'i flaen i barottoi ei ffyrdd.

Cyhoeddi'r iechydwriaeth wnai,
Maddeuant am bechodau a bai;
  Gogoniant gras a chariad Duw
  Rhoes allan yn ei ddisglair liw.

Wele Oen Duw,
    taer weiddi wnai,
Sy'n tynnu ymaith eich holl fai,
  Mi welais Yspryd
      Duw heb len
  Y dydd bedyddiwyd ar ei ben.

Pob pant ddyrchafer fynu'n fawr,
Pob bryn a gaffo'i soddi lawr;
  Rhaid plygu'r beilch,
      a'r difalch ryw
  A welant iechydwriaeth Duw.

Caiff Israel a
    chenhedloedd byd
Ei felus foli ag un fryd;
  A phawb a'r aned o ddyn byw
  Weled gogoniant
      pur Mab Duw.

Edrychwch ar y Seren Ddydd,
Chwi mewn t'w'llwch enaid sydd;
  Cyfeirio'n traed mae ef yn fwyn,
  I ffyrdd tangnefedd mae'n eu dwyn.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775
(The Song of Zechariah, and the Mission
of John the Baptist; or, Light and Salvation
through Jesus Christ, John 1:29,32.)
The God of Israel, let us praise him now,
Who is making clear his great truth;
  He fulfilled his word,
      his hand is strong,
  And all the oaths he swore.

Now the Root of David watering it
From heaven with blessings he is;
  The shoot of the promise which came,
  Raise the horn of our salvation he did.

John was the prophet of the Lord of heaven,
To go before his face,
  The messenger he sent in dignity
  Before him to prepare his ways.

Announce the salvation he would,
Forgiveness for sins and fault;
  The glory, grace and love of God
  He set forth in its radiant colour.

Behold the Lamb of God,
    intently he would shout,
Who takes away all you fault,
  I saw the Spirit of God
      without a curtain,
  The day he was baptised, on his head.

Every hollow is to be lifted up greatly,
Every hill shall get sunk down;
  The proud need to bow,
      and the humble ones
  Shall see the salvation of God.

Israel and the nations
    of the world shall get
To praise him sweetly with one intent;
  And everyone born of man living
  Shall see the pure Glory
      of the Son of God.

Look at the Day Star,
Ye souls who are in darkness;
  Directing our feet is he gently,
  In the ways of peace he is leading them.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(The song of Zacharias, and the message of
John the Baptist; or, Light and salvation by
Jesus Christ, Luke 1. 68 &c. John 1. 29. 32.)
Now be the God of Israel bless'd
  Who makes his truth appear,
His mighty hand
    fulfils his word,
  And all the oaths he sware.

Now he bedews old David's root
  With blessings from the skies;
He makes the branch of promise grow,
  The promis'd horn arise.

John was the prophet of the Lord
  To go before his face,
The herald which our Saviour God
  Sent to prepare his ways.

He makes the great salvation known,
  He speaks of pardon'd sins;
While grace divine and heavenly love
  In its own glory shines.

Behold the Lamb of God,
    he cries,
  That takes our guilt away:
I saw the Spirit
    o'er his head
  On his baptizing day.

Be every vale exalted high,
  Sink every mountain low,
The proud must stoop,
    and humble souls
  Shall his salvation know.

The heathen realms
    with Israel's land
  Shall join in sweet accord;
And all that's born of man shall see
  The glory of
      the Lord.

Behold the morning star arise,
  Ye that in darkness sit;
He marks the path that leads to peace,
  And guides our doubtful feet.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs - Hymn 1:50.

[Mesur: CM 8686]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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