Duw mawr i'th benllywodraeth mae

Duw mawr! i'th benllywodraeth mae
Y bydoedd oll yn ufuddhau;
  Y deyrnas dod i'th Fab yn awr,
  Mewn nerth sefydla'i orsedd fawr.

Ei ras ar lesg eneidiau ddaw
Fel gwlith ar fryniau sychion draw,
  A phery ei addoliad Ef
  Tra pery dyddiau dan y nef.

Y gwledydd digred oll y sydd
Dan dywyll gysgod angeu prudd,
  Pan wawrio arnynt,
  A'r lleoedd anial lawenhânt.

Hedd o'i orseddfainc
    hed fel lli
I bobloedd nad adwaenom ni;
  A'i saint flodeuant yn ei ddydd;
  Mawl a llawenydd iddynt fydd.
Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: MH 8888]

Great God! to thy overlordship are
All the worlds obedient;
  The kingdom come to thy Son now,
  In strength establish his great throne.

His grace on weak souls shall come
Like dew on yonder dry hills,
  And His worship shall endure
  While days endure under heaven.

All the unbelieving lands which are
Under the dark shadow of sad death,
  When dawn rises on them,
      they shall revive;
  And the desert places shall rejoice.

Peace from his throne
    shall fly like a flood
To peoples we did not know;
  And his saints shall flourish in his day;
  Praise and joy shall belong to them.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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