Duw moled pobloedd Di

(Salm LXVII)
Duw, moled pobloedd Di,
  Rhoent fawl a bri
      drwy'r hollfyd,
A'r holl genedloedd īs y nen
  A fyddant lawen hyfryd.

Tydi a ferni'n iawn
  Y bobl trwy lawn wyodaeth;
Ac a roi'r holl genhedloedd ar
  Y ddaear mewn llywodraeth.

Duw, moled pobloedd Di,
  Rhoent fawl a bri
      drwy'r hollfyd,
A'r tir a rydd ffrwyth i'n plith,
  A Duw Ei fendith hefyd.

O deued Duw i'n plith,
  A rhoed ei fendith drosom,
Tywynned byth Ei wyneb pryd,
  A'i nawdd a'i
      iechyd arnom.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
Gwalchmai (J Ambrose Lewis 1815-74)
Meirion (M Pughe)

gwelir: O deued Duw i'n plith

(Psalm 67)
God, may peoples praise thee,
  Let them render praise and honour
      throughout the whole world,
And all the nations under heaven
  Be delightfully joyful.

Thou dost judge aright
  The people through full knowledge;
And dost put all the nations on
  The earth in governance.

God, may peoples praise Thee,
  Let them render praise and honour
      throughout the whole world,
And the land give its fruit amongst us,
  And God His blessing also.

O may God come amongst us,
  And may he grant his blessing upon us,
May his Countenance forever shine,
  And his support and his
      salvation upon us.
tr. 2012,13 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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