Duw nid oes ond Ti dy Hunan
Iesu nid oes ond dy hunan

Duw, nid oes ond Ti dy Hunan,
  Ddaw â'm henaid llesg i'r lan,
Sydd yn suddo mewn dyfnderoedd,
  Dyfnion tywytll ym mhob man;
    Gwna i mi gredu,
  Credu a cherdded ar y môr.

Draed lluddedig, dewch i fynu,
  Ymestynwch, ddwylaw 'mlaen,
Draw mae'r wobr, draw mae'r goron,
  Draw mae 'Mhriod hawddgar glân;
    Ffarwel bellach,
  Chofia'i ddim
      ond pen fy nhaith.

Mae dy yspryd di yn fywyd,
  Mae dy yspryd di yn dân;
Efe sy'n dwyn yr holl fforddolion,
  Cywir, sanctaidd, bur y'mlaen:
  Pererinion, arwain fi.

              - - - - -
(Arweiniad yr Ysbryd)
Iesu! nid oes ond dy hunan,
  Ddaw â'm henaid llesg i'r lan,
Rhag i'm suddo yn y tònau,
  Ac mae'r dyfnder fydd fy rhan;
    Gwna i mi gredu -
  Credu, a cherdded ar y môr.

Mae dy Yspryd Di yn fywyd,
  Mae dy Ypryd Di yn dân;
Ef sy'n dwyn yr holl fforddolion
  Cywir, sanctaidd, pur yn mlaen;
  Pererinion! arwain fi.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 878747]

    Mae dy Ysbryd Di yn fywyd
Mae gelynion i mi'n chwerw
    'Rwyf yn caru'r pererinion

God, there is nothing but Thou Thyself,
  Who will bring my weak soul up;
Which is sinking in depths,
  Deeps of darkness in every place:
    Make me believe,
  Believe and walk on the sea!

Ye corrupt feet, come up,
  Stretch, ye hands, forwards,
Yonder is the prize, yonder is the crown,
  Yonder is my beautiful, holy Spouse;
    Farewell henceforth,
  I shall remember nothing
      but my journey's end.

Thy Spirit is life,
  Thy Spirit is fire;
He is leading all the wayfarers,
  True, holy, pure, forwards:
  Of pilgims, lead thou me!

                - - - - -
(The Leading of the Spirit)
Jesus, there is nothing but thou thyself,
  Who will bring my fainting soul up,
Lest I sink in the waves,
  And the depth be my portion;
    Make me believe,
  Believe, and walk on the sea!

Thy Spirit is life,
  Thy Spirit is fire;
He is leading all the wayfarers,
  True, holy, pure, forwards:
  Of pilgims, lead thou me!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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