Duw o'i ryfedd dosturiaethau

(Iesu'n Unig)
Duw o'i ryfedd dosturiaethau,
  Drefnodd ffordd i gadw dyn;
Rhoddwyd baich ein hanwireddau
  Ar y Meichiau mawr ei Hun;
    Iesu'n unig
  Allsai ddal y pwysau i gyd.

Darfod wna y byd a'i swynion,
  Gwywa'i flodau gyda'r dydd;
Yn nhrigfannau hen gyfeillion
  Dim ond gwacter heddiw sydd;
    Iesu'n unig
  Erys pan ymedy bawb.

Yn y dydd pan sycho'r olaf
  O ffynhonnau mwyniant llawr,
A phan dyr y clymau tynnaf
  Yn y gyfyng, galed awr;
    Iesu'n unig
  Ddeil i bwyso arno mwy.
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau [878747]:
    Blaencefn (John Thomas 1839-1922)
    Cwmafon (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

(Jesus Only)
God of his wonderful mercy,
  Arranged a way to save humankind;
He put the burden on our untruths
  On the great Surety Himself;
    Jesus only
  Could hold all the weight.

Vanish shall the world and its charms,
  Wilt it's flowers with the day;
In the dwellings of old friends
  Naught but emptiness today there is;
    Jesus only
  Shall stay when everyone leaves.

On the day when dries the last
  Of the founts of enjoyment of earth,
And when the knots turn tighter
  In the strait, hard hour;
    Jesus only
  Shall endure to lean upon evermore.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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