Duw profaist fi ti'm chwiliaist trwy

(Duw yn hollwybodol)
Duw profaist fi,
    ti'm chwiliaist trwy,
Dy lygad craff a wêl beth wy';
  Fy nghodiad a'm gorweddiad i,
  A'm calon oll, adwaenost di.

Yn nghwsg ac effro, draw a thre',
F'amgylchu'r ydwyt yn mhob lle;
  Gwybodaeth fawr yw hon, O Dduw,
  Rhy ryfedd im' - mor uchel yw!

Tydi sy'n edrych ar bob un,
Adwaenost feddwl
    calon dyn;
  Moliannwn di, 'r anfeidrol Fôd,
  Can's teilwng ydwyt byth o'r clod.
Casgliad o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MH 8888]: Luther (Gesangbuch Klug)

(God as omniscient)
God thou hast tried me,
    thou hast searched me thoroughly,
Thy shrewd eye doth see what I am;
  My rising and my lying down,
  And all my heart, thou art familiar with.

In sleep and waking, abroad and at home,
Thou art around me in every place;
  Great knowledge is this, O God,
  Too wonderful to me - so high it is!

Thou who dost look on every one,
Thou art familiar with the thought
    of a man's heart;
  We will praise thee, the immeasurable Being,
  Since worthy art thou forever of the praise.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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