Duw'r bore(u) wrth dy lais a'th wŷs
O Arglwydd wrth dy lais a'th wŷs

God of the morning at whose voice

(Emyn foreuol)
1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,3,6.
Duw'r boreu, wrth
    dy lais a'th wŷs,
Y siriol haul a gwyd ar frŷs,
  A llawenhau fel cawr mae ef,
  I redeg ar ei daith trwy'r nef.

O 'stafell dêg y dwyrain draw,
Gan ddechreu cylch
    ei yrfa daw;
  Heb flinder na gorphwysdra chwaith
  Llewyrcha o gylch
      y ddaear faith.

O, fel yr haul boed im' gwblhau,
Holl ddyledswyddau'r dydd yn glau;
  A bywiog fyn'd trwy gymhorth grêf,
  Yn mlaen ar hyd y ffordd tua'r nef.

Ond crwydro wnaf o'r ffordd bob dydd
Os Duw, fy nisglaer haul ymgûdd
  A'm gadael mewn byd tywyll du
  I ddilyn pob sêr gwibiog sy'.

D'orch'mynion Iôr, sy' bûr bob rhan
I oleuo'n golwg dwywyll wan;
  Uniawn yw'th ffyrdd,
      a'th air ni phall
  Dy 'fengyl ddoeth wna'r ffôl yn gall.

I'm tywys, Ior, rho'th gynghor cu,
A derbyn fi i'r gwynfyd fry;
  Fy ngobaith a'm dymuniad yw,
  Yn fwy na dim fod gyda'm Duw.
gwblhau :: gwpl'au
Yn mlaen :: Y'mlaen
ar hyd y ffordd tua :: a chadw'r ffordd I
i'r gwynfyd :: 'th ddedwyddwch
- - - - -
O Arglwydd, wrth dy lais a'th wŷs, Y siriol haul a gŵyd ar frys, A llawenhau fel cawr mae ef I redeg ar ei daith trwy'r nef. O 'stafell dêg y dwyrain draw, Gan ddechreu cylch ei yrfa, daw Heb flinder, na gorphwysdra chwaith: Llewyrcha dros y ddaear faith. Fel hwn boed imi gwblhau Holl ddyledswyddau'r dydd yn glau; A myn'd, yn dy ddeheulaw gref, Yn mlaen, a chadw'r ffordd i'r nef. I'm tywys, Ior, rho'th gynghor cu, A gâd im' ddod i'r gwynfyd fry: Fy ngobaith a'm dymuniad yw, Yn fwy na dim, fod gyda'm Duw.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Salmau Dafydd 1763

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Elisey (<1876)
Saxby (Timothy R Matthews 1826-1910)

(Morning Hymn)
God of the morning, at
    thy voice and thy summons,
The cheerful rises quickly,
  And rejoicing like a giant he is,
  To run on his journey through heaven.

From the fair room of yonder east,
Beginning the circuit
    of his course he comes;
  Without weariness or rest either
  He radiates around
      the vast earth.

O, like the sun may I complete,
All the duties of the day quickly;
  And lively go through strong help,
  On along the road towards heaven.

But wander I shall from the way every day
If God, my shining sun hides
  And leaves me in a dark, black world
  To follow every shooting star there is.

Thy commands, Lord, are pure, every part
To lighten our dark, weak sight;
  Upright are thy ways,
      and thy word shall not fade
  Thy wise gospel makes the foolish wise.

To lead me, Lord, give thy dear counsel,
And receive me into the blessedness above;
  My hope and my wish is,
  More than anything to be with my God.
- - - - -
O Lord, at thy voice and thy summons, The cheerful sun rises quickly, And rejoicing like a giant he is To run on his journey through heaven. From the fair chamber of yonder east, Beginning the circuit of his course, he comes Without wearying, or resting either: He shines over the vast earth. Like him may I complete All the duties of the day quickly; And go, in thy strong right hand, Forward, and keep the road to heaven. To lead me, Lord, give thy dear counsel, And let me come to the blessedness above: My hope and my wish is, More than anything, to be with my God.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
God of the morning,
    at whose voice
  The cheerful sun makes haste to rise,
And like a giant doth rejoice
  To run his journey through the skies.

From the fair chambers of the east
The circuit of
    his race begins,
  And, without weariness or rest,
  Round the whole earth
      he flies and shines.

O like the sun may I fulfill
  Th'appointed duties of the day,
With ready mind and active will
  March on and keep my heav'nly way.

But I shall rove and lose the race,
If God, my sun, should disappear,
  And leave me in this world's wild maze,
  To follow every wand'ring star.

Lord, Thy commands are clean and pure,
Enlightening our beclouded eyes;
  Thy threatenings just,
      Thy promise sure,
  Thy Gospel makes the simple wise.

Give me Thy counsel for my guide,
  And then receive me to Thy bliss;
All my desires and hopes beside
  Are faint and cold compared with this.
- - - - -
God of the morning, at whose voice The cheerful sun makes haste to rise, And like a giant doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies. From the fair chambers of the east The circuit of his race begins, And, without weariness or rest, Round the whole earth he flies and shines. O like the sun may I fulfill Th'appointed duties of the day, With ready mind and active will March on and keep my heav'nly way. Give me Thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to Thy bliss; All my desires and hopes beside Are faint and cold compared with this.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]: Duke Street (John C Hatton 1710-93)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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