Duw'r cariad yn dy ffyrdd dy hun

In thine own ways O God of love

(Gweddi am waredigaeth yn cael ei hatteb,
Esay XXVI.8-20)
Duw'r cariad yn dy ffyrdd dy hun,
Disgwyl am wel'd dy ras yr y'm;
  Dymuniad ein heneidiau prudd
  At d'enw a'th goffadwriaeth fydd.

Liw nos, O Dduw, am danat ti
Ymofyn mae fy enaid i;
  A'm hyspryd yn dy gyfarch fydd
  Mewn gweddi
      cyn y gwawrio'r dydd.

Gwel fel mae dynion drwg eu rhyw
Yn gwawdio amynedd tyner Duw;
  Ond hwy gânt deimlo, er eu braw,
  Ffrewyllau'th wialen
      drom a'th law.

Gwrandewch y bythol Dduw, mae ef
A'i nerthol lais yn rhwygo'r nef;
  Llais peraidd i'w gyfellion yw,
  Ond dychryn i elynion Duw.

"Dewch blant i'm rôl o'r byd i ma's,
A llechwch yn 'stafellau ngras,
  Ne's chwythu'r stormydd heibio i gyd,
  A gorphwys o'm dialeddol lid."

"Fy nghleddyf fostia
    am laddfa mil,
Ac yf o waed
    brenhinol hil,
  Pan fyddo nefol hedd
      bob tu,
  A'i haden dros fy niadell gu.
cyf. Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Prayer for deliverance getting answered,
Isaiah 26:8-20)
O God of love, in thy own ways,
Waiting to see thy grace we are;
  The wish of our sad souls,
  For thy name and thy remembrance shall be.

By night, O God, for thee
My soul is asking;
  And my spirit addressing thee shall be
  In prayer
      before the dawning of the day.

See how men of an evil kind are
Scorning the tender patience of God;
  But they may feel, despite their terror,
  The scourges of thy heavy
      rod and thy hand.

Listen ye to the everlasting God, he is
With his powerful voice rending heaven;
  A sweet voice to his friends it is,
  But terror to God's enemies.

"Come children after me, out of the world,
And hide in the rooms of my grace,
  Until all the storms blow past,
  And rest from my vengeful wrath."

"My sword shall boast
    of the slaughter of a thousand,
And shall drink of the blood
    of a royal race,
  When there shall be heavenly peace
      on every side
  And its wing over my dear flock.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Prayer for deliverance answered,
Isa. 26. 8-12 20-21.)
In thine own ways, O God of love,
  We wait the visits of thy grace,
Our souls desire is to thy Name,
  And the remembrance of thy face.

My thoughts are searching, Lord, for thee,
  'Mongst the black shades
      of lonesome night;
My earnest cries salute the skies
  Before the dawn restore the light.

Look, how rebellious men deride
  The tender patience of my God;
But they shall see thy lifted hand,
  And feel the scourges
      of thy rod.

Hark, the Eternal rends the sky,
  A mighty voice before him goes,
A voice of music to his friends,
  But threatening thunder to his foes.

Come, children, to your Father's arms,
  Hide in the chambers of my grace,
Till the fierce storms be overblown,
  And my revenging fury cease.

My sword shall boast
    its thousands slain,
  And drink the blood
    of haughty kings,
While heavenly peace
    around my flock
  Stretches its soft and shady wings.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns. Book 1.
Collected from the Holy Scriptures.
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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