Duw'r hwn a roes mewn amryw ffyrdd ar hynt

God who in various methods told

(Yr Ysgrythurau Sanctaidd)
Duw'r hwn a roes mewn
    amryw ffyrdd ar hynt
I'w saint ei feddwl
    a'i ewyllys gynt;
  Anfon ei Fab a'i air
      a'i ras i lawr,
  I'n dysgu ni yr oes ddiwedda' 'nawr.

Ein cenedl sy'n cael darllen 'sgrythur Duw,
Llyfr y bywyd, siwr dystiolaeth yw:
  Ac etifeddiaeth ddisglair
      terynas nef
  A ddugir i ni'n felus trwyddo ef.

Meddyliau mwynion Duw sydd yma'n noeth,
Abal i'n gwneud ni'n ddedwydd ac yn ddoeth;
  Yr athrawiaethau sydd wir dwyfol iawn,
  Adddas er cerydd llym
      a chusur llawn.

Holl Frydain darllen maent ei gariad cu,
Mewn epistolau hirion oddi fry;
  Ei sanctaidd air ni
      yrrodd ef, gwir yw,
  Fel hyn i bob rhyw wlad,
      O molwch Dduw.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775


(The Holy Scriptures)
God the one who gave in
    various ways on a course
To the saints his thought
    and his will of old;
  Sent down his Son with his
      word and his grace,
  To teach us in this last age.

Our nation gets to read God's scripture,
The book of life, a sure testimony it is:
  And a shining heritage
      of the kingdom of heaven
  And we are to be led sweetly through it.

The dear thoughts of God are here naked,
Able to make us happy and wise;
  The teachings are truly very divine,
  Fitting for sharp rebuke
      and full comfort.

All Britain is reading his dear love,
In long epistles from above;
  His sacred word, he did
      not send, it is true,
  Thus to every kind of land,
      O praise ye God.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
God, who in various
    methods told
His mind and will
    to saints of old,
  Sent down His Son,
      with truth and grace,
  To teach us in these latter days.

Our nation reads the written Word,
That book of life, that sure record:
  The bright inheritance
      of Heav'n
  Is by the sweet conveyance giv'n.

God's kindest thoughts are here expressed,
Able to make us wise and blessed;
  The doctrines are divinely true,
  Fit for reproof
      and comfort, too.

Ye British isles, who read His love
In long epistles from above,
  (He hath not sent
      His sacred Word
  To every land,)
      praise ye the Lord.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs (Book I) 1707

Tunes [MH 8888]:
    Arizona (Robert H Earnshaw 1856-1933)
    Illsley (John Bishop 1665-1737)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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