Duw rhyfedd yw'th dosturi hael

(Ymostyngiad Duw)
Duw, rhyfedd yw'th dosturi hael;
  A drig yr Arglwydd gyda ni!
Pa beth ar wyneb daear wael,
  All ddenu lawr dy gerbyd di!

Gallasit lenwi'th orsedd fawr,
  A gwrando cerddi Gabriel lān;
Ond disgyn mae'th fawrhydi i lawr
  I wrando'n gwael grynedig gān.

Ac, O! mor dlawd
    yw'r tāl a gai,
  Am dy anfeidrol gariad gwiw;
Bloesg iawn yw
    llais tafodau clai,
  Ond dy drugaredd Dwyfol yw.
Caniadau Y Cysegr 1855

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The self-abasement of God)
God, wonderful is thy generous mercy;
  That the Lord should dwell with us!
What on the face of the poor earth,
  Can attract down thy chariot?

Thou couldst have filled thy great throne,
  And listened to holy Gabriel's songs;
But descending is thy majesty down
  To listen to our base trembling song.

And, O how poor is the payment
    thou wouldst get,
  For thy immortal, worthy love;
Very inarticulate is the
    voice of ready tongues,
  But thy mercy is Divine.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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