Duw sy'n cyfiawnhau'r annuwiol

Duw sy'n cyfiawnhau'r annuwiol,
  O'i ryfeddol ras ei hun;
Duw sy'n rhoddi ffydd i gredu
  I'r pechadur gwael ei lun;
Anrhydeddodd Crist y gyfraith,
  Gwnaeth gyfiawnder pur i ni,
Trwy ufudd-dod perffaith, digoll,
  O fru Mair i Galfari.

Bywyd a marwolaeth Iesu,
  Trwy gyfrifiad gan Dduw Dad,
Dyma ddigon rhag digofaint,
  Dyma yw ein cyfiawnhad:
Dan gyfrifiad o'n pechodau
  Bu Crist farw ar y pren:
Trwy gyfrifiad
    o'i gyfiawnder,
  Caiff yr euog godi ei ben.
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tôn [8787D]: Jewin Street (<1835)

God who justifies the ungodly,
  From his own wonderful grace;
God who gives faith to believe
  To the sinner of a poor condition;
Christ honoured the law,
  He made pure righteousness for us,
Through perfect, unfailing obedience,
  From Mary's womb to Calvary.

The life and death of Jesus,
  Through the accounting by God the Father,
Here is sufficient against wrath,
  Here is our justification:
Under the accounting from our sins
  Christ died on the tree:
Through the accounting
    from his righteousness,
  The guilty gets to raise his head.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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