Duw sydd yn nerth a noddfa_i ni, Yr Arglwydd hylwydd hael; Yn mhob cyfyngder clyw ein cri, Mae'n gymhorth hawdd ei gael. Am hyn nid ofnwn ar fy nhaith, Dan aden gref fy Iôr, Pe treiglid y mynyddau maith I eigion dwfn y môr. Er rhuo a therfysgu 'nghyd Ei ddyfroedd hyd y nef, Nes cryno holl fynyddau'r byd Gan rym ei ymchwydd ef. Mae afon fawr a'i ffrydiau sydd Yn lloni dinas Duw; Diogelwch bythol yno fydd, Preswylfa'r Arglwydd yw.Robert Jones 1806-96 Tôn [MC 8686]: St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727) |
God is a strength and a refuge for us, The successful, generous Lord; In every strait he hears our cry, He is a help easy to get. Therefore I would not fear on my journey, Under the strong wing of my Master, If the vast mountains should trundle Into the ocean depths of the sea. Despite the roaring and tumult altogether Of its waters up to heaven, Until all the world's mountains tremble By the force of its swelling. There is a great river whose streams are Cheering the city of God; Eternal safety there shall be, The residence of the Lord it is.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |