Duw teyrnasa ar y ddaear

1,2,3,4,(5);  1,3,4,(5).
("Deled Dy deyrnas" / Lwyddiant yr efengyl)
Duw, teyrnasa ar y ddaear,
  O'r gorllewin pell i'r de;
Cymmer feddiant o'r ardaloedd
  Pellaf, t'wllaf, is y ne':
    Haul Cyfiawnder,
  Llanw'r ddaear fawr â'th ras.

Doed yr India fawr, gyfoethog,
  Heddyw dan dywyllwch sydd,
I gael wel'd efengyl hyfryd
  Yn dwyn drosodd oleu'r dydd:
    Nes b'o heddwch
  Yn teyrnasu o fôr i fôr.

Taened gweinidogion bywyd
  Iachawdwriaeth Iesu ar led;
Cluded moroedd addewidion
  Drosodd draw i'r rhai di-gred:
    Aed Efengyl
  Ar adenydd dwyfol wynt.

Doed preswylwyr yr anialwch,
  Doed trigolion bro a bryn;
Doed y rhai sydd ar y cefnfor, 
  I garu'r iachawdwriaeth hyn:
    Nes b'o adsain
  Moliant yn amgylchu'r byd.

Pur ganiadau i Frenin Sion
  Fyddo yn llawenydd llawn,
Braw o'r dwyrain, lle mae'n codi,
  Hyd fachludiad haul brydnawn;
    Fyth na sonir
  Ond am degwch Brenin nef.
Cymmer :: Cymer
pell :: bell
t'wllaf :: twyllaf :: t'wyllaf
Iesu :: Crist
adsain :: atsain
sonir :: sonier

William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787.447]:
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Bridport (J A Lloyd 1815-84)
Calcutta (<1835)
Goss (John Goss 1800-80)
Llandinam (James Turle 1802-82)
Mannheim (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)
St Thomas (1782 An Essay on the Church Plainchant)
Sicily (alaw Italaidd)
Westminster Abbey (H Purcell 1658-95)

  Aed y nos derfysglyd heibio
  Arglwydd grasol dyro gymhorth
  Boed fy nghalon iti'n dem(e)l
  Taened gweinidogion bywyd

("Thy kingdom come" / The success of the gospel)
God, reign on the earth,
  From the far west to the south;
Take possession of the regions
  Furthest, darkest, under heaven:
    Sun of Righteousness,
  Fill the great earth with thy grace.

Let great, rich India come,
  Which today is under darkness,
To get to see a delightful gospel
  Drawing over the light of day:
    Until peace
  Reign from sea to sea.

May the ministers of life spread
  The salvation of Jesus abroad;
May seas convey promises
  Afar to those without belief:
    May the Gospel go
  On wings of divine wind.

Let the residents of the desert come,
  Let the inhabitants of vale and hill come;
Let those who are on the high sea come,
  To love this salvation:
    Until resound
  Praise around the world.

Pure songs to the King of Zion
  Be full joy,
Fear from the east, where it rises,
  As far as the setting of the afternoon sun;
    May nothing ever be sounded
  But the fairness of the King of heaven.
:: ::

tr. 2010,11 Richard B Gillion
(Christ's Kingdom)
O'er the earth, in every nation,
  Reign, Jehovah, in each place
Take all kingdoms in possession,
  Heathen darkness thence displace;
    Fill each people,
  Sun of Righteousness, with grace.

Oh! ye heralds of Salvation,
  Jesus' mercy far proclaim;
Bear, ye seas, the sacred mission,
  Till the pagan bless his name;
    Let the gospel
  Fly on wings of heavenly flame.

Let all those in deserts dwelling,
  All on hills, in dales around,
Those who live 'midst oceans swelling,
  Jesus' glorious praises sound;
    Till the echo
  Of his name the world surround.


tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [878747]: Peniel (Welsh air)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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