Duw wrthym trugarhâ

(Duw a drugarhao wrthym ac a'n bendithio,
a thywyned ei wyneb arnom.)
Duw, wrthym trugarhâ,
  Dy fendith dyro Di;
Tywyned fyth ogoned wedd
  Dy wyneb arnom ni.

Adwaenir felly 'th ffordd
  Trwy'r ddaear fawr i gyd;
Adwaenir iachawdwriaeth Duw
  Yn mhlith holl bobloedd byd.

Moled y bobl, Dduw,
  Dy enw mawr a'th ras:
Ag uchel glod, molianned Di
  Holl bobl y ddaear las.

Pob iaith a llwyth yn llon
  A ganant am dy ddawn;
Tydi sy'n Llywydd arnynt byth,
  Tydi a'u berni'n iawn.

Moled y bobl, Dduw,
  Dy enw mawr a'th ras;
Ag uchel glod molianned Di
  Holl bobl y ddaear las.
Hymnau Hen a Diweddar - Cas. Owen Jones 1869

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Swabia (Johann Martin Spiess ?-1772)
    Titherton (Lewis Renatus West 1753-1826)

(God have mercy on us and bless us,
and may his face shine upon us!)
God, have mercy on us!
  Thy blessing give Thou us!
May the glory of the countenance
  Of thy face shine upon us!

Thus may thy way be known
  Throughout all the great earth!
May God's salvation be known
  Amongst all the peoples of the world!

May the people praise, God,
  Thy great name and thy grace:
With high praise, may they praise Thee
  All the people of the blue/green earth.

Every language and tribe cheerfully
  Will sing of thy might;
Thou art the Governor over them forever,
  Thou who wilt judge rightly.

May the people praise, God,
  Thy great name and thy grace;
With high praise, may they praise Thee
  All the people of the blue/green earth.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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