Duw ymddangosodd yn y cnawd

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,(2),4.
Duw ymddangosodd yn y cnawd
  Fe gafwyd Brawd yn Brynwr;
Ni chollir neb, er gwaeled fo,
  A gredo i'r Gwaredwr.

O fewn y ddaear hon a'r nef,
  Pwy iddo Ef sy gymhar?
Dymunol yw uwchlaw'r holl fyd,
  Mae ef i gyd yn hawddgar.

Hardd yn ei Dduwdod ydyw Ef,
  Mae'n llanw nef a daear;
Hardd yn ei ddyndod -
    'fu mewn oes,
  Neu'n awr nid oes
      o'i gymhar.

Yr Aberth mawr fu ar y groes,
  A'r Iawn a roes yr Iesu,
Yw'm hunig obaith yn mhob man
  Daw'm henaid gwan i fynu.

Coffawn yn llawen, gyda pharch,
  Am ras ein Harch-offeiriad;
Un yw o galon dyner iawn,
  A llawn 'mysgaroedd cariad.

Ni ddiffydd o lin
    fo'n mygu byth,
  Yn fflam fe'i chwyth yn hytrach;
Y gorsen ysig byth ni thyr,
  Y gwan fe'i gyr yn gryfach.
ydyw Ef :: y mae Ef

John Hughes 1775-1854
Casgliad o Hymnau (Calfinaidd) 1841

             - - - - -

Duw ymddangosodd yn y cnawd,
  Fe gafwyd Brawd yn Brynwr;
Ni chollir neb,
    er gwaeled fo,
  A gredo i'r Gwaredwr.

Yn Dduw addolwn
    Had y wraig,
  Caiff pen y ddraig ei sigo;
Ceir gweled hen genedloedd cas,
  Trwy ras yn credu ynddo.
1: John Hughes 1775-1854
2: Richard Jones ?1771-1833

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Cemmaes (John Williams 1740-1821)
Dyfroedd Siloah (J Williams 1740-1821)
Mary (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)
Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)

God appeared in the flesh
  A Brother was got as a Redeemer;
None is to be lost, despite his baseness,
  Who believes in the Deliverer.

Within this earth and heaven,
  Who is comparable to Him?
Desirable is he above all the world,
  He is altogether lovely.

Lovely in his Divinity is He,
  He fills heaven and earth;
Lovely in his humanity -
    there has not been in an age
  Nor is there now
      anything in comparison to him.

The great sacrifice was on the cross,
  And the Satisfaction Jesus gave,
He is my only hope in every place
  My weak soul comes up.

Let us remember joyfully, with honour,
  The grace of our High-priest;
The same is his very tender heart,
  And full of the bowels of love.

He will never extinguish flax
    that be smoking,
  Into a flame, rather, he will blow it;
The bruised reed never will he break,
  The weak he will make stronger.


                - - - - -

God appeared in the flesh,
  A Brother was born as a Redeemer;
None is to be lost,
    despite being so base,
  Who believes in the Deliverer.

As God let us worship
    the Seed of the woman,
  The dragon's head shall get crushed;
Old, detestable nations are to be seen,
  Through grace believing in him.
tr. 2012,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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