Dwy fflam ar ben Calfaria

Dwy fflam ar ben Calfaria
  Gwrddasant yno 'nghyd -
Fflam cariad at bechadur,
  Fflam goch y dwyfol lid;
A'u mwg yn dringo i fyny
  Nes cuddio ser y nen,
A'r Iesu rhwyng y ddwy-fflam
  Yn marw ar y pren.

Mwy'r clod, a mwy yr enw,
  A gaiff y nefoedd mwy,
Am gadw pryfyn marwol
  Trwy rinwedd marwol glwy',
Na thrwy gyfiawnder perffaith
  O'i eiddo ef ei hun,
Trwy gadw'r holl orch'mynion,
  Erioed heb dori'r un.

Mwy rhyfedd y cyfiawnder,
  Helaethach ydyw'r dawn
Sydd yn ufudd-dod Iesu
  Ar Galfari brydnawn;
Ca'dd deddf ei hanrhydeddu,
  Rhoed coron ar ei phen,
Pan redodd gwaed y Meichiau
  Yn ffrydiau ar y pren.
Christmas Evans 1766-1838

Tonau [7676D]:
    Meirionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
    Whitford (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

Two flames on the summit of Calvary
  Met there together -
The flame of love towards a sinner,
  The red flame of divine anger;
With their smoke climbing up
  Until hiding the stars of the sky,
With Jesus between the two flames
  Dying on the tree.

Greater the praise, and greater the name,
  Which heaven got evermore,
For saving a mortal worm
  Through the merit of a mortal wound,
Not through the perfect righteousness
  Of his own possession,
Through keeping all the commandments,
  Without ever breaking any.

The greater wonder of the righteousness,
  More generous is the gift
Which is in the obedience of Jesus
  On Calvary one afternoon;
Law was honoured,
  Let a crown be put on his head,
When the blood of our Surety ran
  In streams on the tree.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
On Calvary together
Howell Elvet Lewis [Elfed] 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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