Dy faith drugaredd O Dduw byw

1,2,3,(4); [1+2].
(Salm LXIII)

Dy faith drugaredd, O Dduw byw,
  Rhagorach yw na'r bywyd;
A'm genau rhoddaf iti fawl, 
  A cherdd ogonawl hyfryd.

Felly tra fyddwyf byw y gwnaf, 
  Ac felly'th folaf eto, 
Ac yn dy enw di sydd gu 
  Y caf ddyrchafu 'nwylo.

Digonir f'enaid fel â mêr,
  A chyflawn fraster hefyd,
A'm genau a gân dy foliant tau,
  Â phur wefusau hyfryd.

Ac am dy fod yn gymorth ym,
  Drwy fawr rym dy drugaredd,
Fy holl orfoledd a gais fod
 Dan gysgod dy adanedd.
Ac felly'th folaf :: Ac felly y'th folaf :: Fel hyn y'th folaf
gymorth ym :: gymmhorth im

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MSD 8787D]: Vaenol (alaw Gymreig)
Tonau [MS 8787]:
Cemmaes (John Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
Deemster (William Owen 1814-93)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Morganwg (hen alaw)
Oldenburg (J H Schein 1586-1630)
Trallwm (J A Lloyd 1815-1874)
Tyllwyd (David Evans [Edward Arthur] 1874-1948)

(Psalm 63)

Thy vast mercy, O living God,
  Is more than life;
And my mouth will give thee praise,
  And delightful glorifying music.

Thus, as long as I live, will I do,
  And thus I will praise thee still,
And in thy name which is dear
  I may raise my hands.

My soul is satisfied as with marrow,
  And full fat also,
And my mouth with a song of thy praise,
  With pure delightful lips.

Because thou art a help to me,
  Through the great force of thy mercy,
All my rejoicing seeks to be
  Under the shadow of thy wings.
And thus I will praise thee :: And thus I will praise thee :: Thus I will praise thee

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

2 O to my longing eyes once more
  that view of glorious pow'r restore
    Which thy majestic house displays:
3 Because to me thy wondrous love
  than life itself does dearer prove,
    My lips shall always speak thy praise.

4 My life, while I that life enjoy,
  in blessing God I will employ,
    With lifted hands adore his Name
5 My soul's content shall be as great
  as theirs who choicest dainties eat,
    While I with joy his praise proclaim.

6 When down I lie sweet sleep to find,
  thou, Lord, art present to my mind;
    And when I wake in dead of night:
7 Because thou still dost succour bring,
  beneath the shadow of thy wing
    I rest with safety and delight.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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