Dy enw Di mor hynod yw

Jesus thy far-extended fame

("Efe a ddichon yn gwbl iacháu.")
Dy enw Di, mor hynod yw,
Hyfrydwch pur eneidiau byw;
  I wael bechadur dan ei bwn
  Mae cymorth yn yr enw hwn.

I bechaduriaid croeso gaed,
Pan ddoent yn gleifion at dy draed;
  Trwy rasol eiriau, doniau Duw,
  Âi'r claf yn iach, a'r marw'n fyw.

Ac onid ydywt eto'r un -
Yn llawn o nefol ddawn i ddyn?
  Ym mhob rhyw oes,
      dan loesau'r lawr,
  Mae rhinwedd yn dy enw mawr.

Dy addewidion sydd yr un,
Wyt heddiw'n Feddyg euog ddyn;
  Mae gennyt allu, Iesu mawr,
  Ac 'wyllys i'n iacháu yn awr.

O! gwêl ni'n nesu at dy ddôr,
I gael iachâd, anfeidrol Iôr;
  Iachâ ni'n hollol o bob clwy',
  Fel na bo arnom archoll mwy.
cyf. Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1876

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Affection (Psalmody 1838)
    Montgomery (Magdalen Hospital Hymns c.1762)
    Warrington (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810)

("He is able to save to the uttermost.")
Thy name, so notable it is,
The delight of pure, living souls;
  To base a sinner under his burden
  There is help in this name.

For sinners a welcome is got,
When they come sick to thy feet;
  Through gracious words, the gifts of God,
  The sick on goes whole, and the dead alive.

And art thou not still the same -
Full of heavenly gift for man?
  In every kind of age,
      under the anguish of the earth,
  There is virtue in thy great name.

Thy promises are the same,
Thou art today the Physician of guilty man;
  There is with thee power, great Jesus,
  And a will to heal us now.

O, see us approaching thy door,
To get healing, infinite Lord;
  Heal us completely from every sickness,
  Thus may there be no more wound upon us.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Jesus, thy far-extended fame
  My drooping soul exults to hear;
Thy name, thy all-restoring name,
  Is music in a sinner's ear.

Sinners of old thou didst receive
  With comfortable words and kind,
Their sorrows cheer, their wants relieve,
  Heal the diseased, and cure the blind.

And art thou not the Saviour still,
  In every place and age the same?
Hast thou forgot
    thy gracious skill,
  Or lost the virtue of thy name?

Faith in thy changeless name I have;
  The good, the kind physician, thou
Art able now our souls to save,
  Art willing to restore them now.

My soul's disease, my every sin,
  To thee, O Jesus, I confess;
In pardon, Lord, my cure begin,
  And perfect it in holiness.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [LM 8888]: Antwerp (William Smallwood 1831-97)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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