Dy osod boed in' ger ein bron
Dy osod wnelom ger ein bron

(Gobaith y dywiol)
Dy osod wnelom ger ein bron,
A'n hyder ynot, Dduw, yn llon;
  Gwir yw na fyth ysgogir ni,
  Os agos attom fyddi di.

[Dy osod boed in' ger ein bron,
 A'n hyder ynot, Iōr, yn llon;
   Can's gwir yw na'n
       hysgogir ni,
   Os agos attom fyddi di.]

Tra gallom ddewyd dy fod gerllaw,
Fe ffy ar frys bob ofn a braw;
  Ein calon lawn a lawenha,
  A'n cnawd a drig mewn gobaith da.

Ni edi di yn wael eu gwedd
Dy saint am byth ym mhyrth y bedd;
  Rhoi llwybr bywyd wnai o'u bla'n,
  Ar fore cu'r cyfodiad glān.

[Ni edi'th saint yn wael eu gwedd
 I orphwys byth y'mhyrth y bedd;
   Rhoi llwybr bywyd wnai o'u bla'n,
   Ar fore cu'r
       cyfodiad glān.]

Dwg ni, O Dduw, ar frys i fyw
Lle mae llawenydd o bob rhyw;
  Ar dy ddeheulaw'n uchel fry
  Digrifwch yn dragywydd sy.
ar frys :: mewn frys
Dwg ni, O Dduw, ar frys :: Dug ni ar frys, O Dduw,
yn dragwywydd sy :: yn drag'wyddol sy

Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831, 1837.

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The hope of the godly)
That we place thee thee before us,
And our confidence in thee, God, cheerfully;
  It is true that we are ever to be stimulated,
  If near to us thou wilt be.

[May thy placing be to us before us,
 And our confidence in thee, Lord, cheerfully;
   Since it is true that we are ever
       to be stimulated,
   If near to us thou wilt be.]

While we can say that thou art at hand,
Every fear and terror shall hurriedly flee;
  Our full heart shall rejoice,
  And our flesh shall dwell in good hope.

Do not leave in a poor condition
Thy saints forever in the portals of the grave;
  Put the path of life thou wilt before them,
  On the dear morning of the holy resurrection.

[Do not leave thy saints in a poor condition
 To rest forever in the portals of the grave;
  Put the path of life thou wilt before them,
  On the dear morning
      of the holy resurrection.]

Bring us, O God, quickly to life
Where there is joy of every kind;
  At thy right hand high above
  Enjoyment eternally there is.
Bring us, O God, quickly :: Bring us quickly, O God,
in eternity there is :: eternally there is

tr. 2014,15 Richard B Gillion

 8 I strive each action to approve
     to his all-seeing eye;
   No dangers shall my hopes remove,
     because he still is nigh.

[8 I strive each action to approve
     to his all-seeing eye;
   No dangers shall
       my hopes remove,
     because he still is nigh.]

 9 Therefore my heart all grief defies,
     my glory does rejoice;
   My flesh shall rest in hope to rise,
     waked by his pow'rful voice.

10 Thou, Lord, when I resign my breath,
      my soul from hell shall free;
    Nor let thy Holy One in death
      the least corruption see.

[10 Thou, Lord, when I resign my breath,
      my soul from hell shall free;
    Nor let thy Holy One in death
      the least
          corruption see.]

11 Thou shall the paths of life display,
      that to thy presence lead;
    Where pleasures dwell without allay,
      and joys that never fade.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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