Dyfal ddisgwyl mae fy enaid

(Salm XL - Disgwyl wrth yr Arglwydd)
Dyfal ddisgwyl mae fy enaid
Wrthyt ti, fy Nuw bendigaid;
  O ymostwng o'r uchelder,
  Clyw fy llef yn ol dy arfer.

Cyfod fi o bydew pechod,
Sydd yn frwnt ac erchyll hynod;
  Rho fy nhraed ar graig dy gariad,
  Yna hwylia fy ngherddediad.

Rho i'm genau ganiad newydd,
Can o foliant i'm Gwaredydd;
  Yna llawer hyn a welant,
  A'th drugaredd fawr a gredant.

Gwyn ei fyd y sawl osodo
Dduw yn wir ymddiried iddo;
  Ac ni thry, pan fo helbulus,
  Byth am borth at fyd twyllodrus.
Casgliad Daniel Rees 1837

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Psalm 40 - Waiting for the Lord)
Devotedly waiting is my soul
For thee, my blessed Lord;
  O bow down from on high,
  Hear my cry according to thy habit.

Raise me from the pit of sin,
Which is filthy and notably terrible;
  Set my feet on the rock of thy love,
  Then direct my walking.

Put into my mouth a new song,
A song of praise to my Deliverer;
  Then many shall see this,
  And thy great mercy they shall believe.

Blessed is such a one who places
His trust truly in God;
  And shall not turn, when he be troubled,
  Ever for succour to a deceptive world.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
1 I waited meekly for the Lord,
    till he vouchsafed a kind reply;
  Who did his gracious ear afford,
    and heard from heav'n my humble cry.

2 He took me from the dismal pit,
    when foundered deep in miry clay;
  On solid ground he placed my feet,
    and suffered not my steps to stray.

3 The wonders he for me has wrought
    shall fill my mouth with songs of praise;
  And others, to his worship brought,
    to hopes of like deliverance raise,

4 For blessings shall that man reward,
    who on th' Almighty Lord relies;
  Who treats the proud with disregard,
    and hates the hypocrite's disguise.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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