Dyma'r dydd yr adgyfododd/atgyfododd

Dyma'r dydd yr atgyfododd
  Crist, gan ddryllio barrau'r bedd;
Maeddu wnaeth ein holl elynion,
  Ennill in amodau hedd;
  Am ei fuddugoliaeth lawn.

Ef yw'r blaenor, Ef yw'r blaenffrwyth
  Ar ei bobl mae yn ben;
Ac Efe yw'r atfyfodiad,
  Awdur bywyd uwch y nen;
  Am ei fuddugoliaeth lawn.

Na frawycher ninnau mwyach
  Wrth wynebu angau du;
Crist a'n cwyd i etifeddu
  Gwnfyd pur y nefoedd fry;
  Am ei fuddugoliaeth lawn.
Psalmau a Hymnau, Bangor, 1861.

Tôn [878747]: Caersalem (Robert Edwards 1796-1862)

This is the day when Christ
  Arose, shattering the bars of the grave;
He did thrash all our enemies,
  Winning for us terms of peace;
    Let us join in thanksgiving,
  For his full victory.

He is the foremost, He is the firstfruits
  Over his people he is head;
AndHe is the resurrection,
  The author of life above the sky;
    Let us join in thanksgiving,
  For his full victory.

We are not to be terrified any longer
  While facing black death;
Christ has raised us to inherit
  The pure blessedness of the heavens above;
    Let us join in thanksgiving,
  For his full victory.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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