Dyn ni rodio dedwydd yw Ynghyngor an-nuw ddynion: Yn ffordd pechadwyr ni sai, Ni steddai'n stôl gwatworion. Ond ei holl ddifyrwch sydd Yng-hyfraith Arglwydd nefol: Ag yn unrhyw gyfraith rydd Mae beunydd yn fyfyriol. Fel prenn glan-ddwr dyg ffrywth pryd, Ei ir-ddail clyd ni wywa: Pa beth bynnag wnel ei law Hynny draw a lwydda. Nid un-feth y di-dduw trwch, Fel us a llwch i gwelir: Oddar wyneb dayar faith Gan yrrwynt daith a chwelir. Am hyn ni sei enwir lu, Wrth farnu'r ddeu-lu'n uniawn: Na'r pechadwyr diriaid bla Mysc y gynlleidfa gyfiawn. Herwydd ffordd y cyfiawn rhwydd Ebrwydd duw a'i hedwyn: A difethir hwnt ar lled Ffordd ddi-gred annuwiol-ddyn.Edward Cyffin/Kyffin c.1558-1603
[Mesur: MS 8787] |
A man who does not walk, happy is he, In the counsel of ungodly men: In the way of sinners he will not stand, He will not sit in the seat of mockers. But his whole delight is In the law of a heavenly Lord: And in some free law Is daily contemplative. Like a water-side tree he will bear timely fruit, His comfortable fresh foliage shall not wither: Whatever his hand does - That yonder shall succeed. Not the same thing the ungodly wretch, Like chff and dust to be seen: From the face of the vast earth By a driving wind is to be scattered. Therefore the wicked throng shall not stand, During the judging of the family uprightly: Nor the evil, wicked sinners Amongst the upright assembly. For the way of the upright free Suddenly God shall know them: And to be destroyed is the course along The way of an unbelieving, ungodly man.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |