Dynoetha'th gadarn fraich

(Revive thy work O Lord)

("O Arglwydd, bywha dy waith.")
Dynoetha'th gadarn fraich,
  Bywha dy waith O Dduw:
Rho glywed etto
        rym y llais,
  Sy'n gwneyd y marw'n fyw.

    Bywha dy waith O Dduw,
      Bywha dy waith O Dduw;
    A myn ogoniant it dy hun,
      Drwy wneyd y marw'n fyw.

Bywha dy waith O Dduw,
  Dihuna'r marwol ddyn,
Su'n gorwedd megis yn ei fedd,
  A'th allu mawr dy hun.

Bywha dy waith O Dduw,
  A gwna'n calonau ni
Yn demlau cysegredig oll,
  I'th ysbryd sanctaidd di.

Bywha dy waith O Dduw,
  A thrwy dy ysbryd glân:
O gwna'n calonau oerion ni
  Yn llawn o nefol dân.
efel. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn: [MBD 6686D]:
Revive Thy Work (James McGranahan 1840-1907)

("O Lord, revive thy work.")
Make bare thy strong arm,
  Revive thy work, O God:
Grant the hearing again
        of the force of thy voice,
  Which makes the dead alive.

    Revive thy work, O God,
      Revive thy work, O God,
    And may the glory go to thee thyself,
      Through making the dead alive.

Revive thy work, O God,
  Awaken the mortal man,
Who is lying like in his grave,
  With thy own great power.

Revive thy work, O God,
  And make our hearts
Temples all consecrated
  To thy Holy Spirit.

Revive thy work, O God,
  And through thy Holy Spirit,
O make our cold hearts
  Full of heavenly fire.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Revive Thy work, O Lord,
  Thy mighty arm make bare;
Speak with the voice
        that wakes the dead,
  And make Thy people hear.

    Revive thy work, O Lord,
      While here to thee we bow;
    Descend, O gracious Lord, descend!
      O come and bless us now!

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
  Disturb this sleep of death;
Quicken the smoldering embers now
  By Thine almighty breath.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
  Exalt Thy precious name;
And, by the Holy Ghost, our love
  For Thee and Thine inflame.

Revive Thy work, O Lord,
  Give Pentecostal showers;
The glory shall be all Thine own,
  The blessing, Lord, be ours.
1859 Albert Midlane 1825-1909

Tunes [SM 6686]:
Festal Song (1872 William H Walter 1825-93)
Holy Rood (1863 Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)

Tunes [DSM 6686D]:
Revive Thy Work (James McGranahan 1840-1907)
Mardin / Revive Thy Work O Lord
    (W H Doane 1832-1915)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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