Dyoddefaint Iesu Grist

  Dyoddefaint Iesu Grist
    Ddyhuddodd lid Duw Ion;
  Pob peth i'm henaid trist
    Yw meddwl am ei bo'n:
Fy unig sail y bydd E'n Dduw
Im' tra f'wyf byw
      yw gwaed yr Oen.

  Mae dafn bach o waed
    Yn drymach yn y nef
  Na'r pechod mwyaf gaed, 
    A'i holl euogrwydd ef:
Gwrandewir llais y dwyfol glwy'
O flaen eu damniol floeddiad hwy.

  Noddfa pechadur trist,
    Tan bob drylliedig friw,
  A phwys euogrwydd llym,
    Yn unig yw fy Nuw;
'Does enw i'w gael o dan y nef
Yn unig ond ei enw Ef.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 666688]

gwelir: Mae dafn bach o waed

  The suffering of Jesus Christ
    Appeased the anger of God the Lord;
  Every thing to my sad soul
    Is thinking about his pain:
My only basis, on which He shall be as God 
To me, while ever I am living,
      is the blood of the Lamb.

  A small drop of blood is
    Heavier in heaven
  Than the greatest sin there is,
    And all its guilt:
To be heard is the voice of the divine wound
Before their condemnatory shouting.

  The refuge of a sad sinner,
    Under every shattering bruise,
  And weigh of sharp guilt,
    Is my God alone;
There is no name to be got under heaven
Except His name alone.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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