Dyro inni dy arweiniad

(Dechrau Oedfa)
Dyro inni dy arweiniad,
  Arglwydd, drwy yr oedfa hon;
Rho dy Ysbryd a'i ddylanwad
  I'n sancteiddio ger dy fron:
    Nefoedd yw dedwydd fyw
  Dan dy wenau di, O Dduw.

Byw yng ngwên dy siriol ŵyneb
  Ewyllysiwn yn y byd,
A chael oesoedd tragwyddoldeb
  I fawrhau dy gariad drud;
    Dyro i lawr, yma nawr,
  Ernes o'r gyfeillach fawr.
Robert Meigant Jones (Meigant) 1851-99

Tonau [878767]:
    Bryn Gilead (John Roberts 1807-76)
    Dolfor (alaw Gymreig)
    Arnsberg / Neander (Joachim Neander 1650-80)

(The Start of a Meeting)
Give us thy guidance,
  Lord, through this meeting;
Impart thy Spirit and his influence
  To sanctify us before thee:
    Heaven it is happily to live
  Under thy smiles, O God.

To live in the smile of thy cheerful face
  We wish in the world,
And to have eternal ages
  To magnify thy dear love;
    Give down here, now
  An earnest of the great fellowship.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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