Dyro inni weld o'r newydd

(Deisyf Presenoldeb Duw)
Dyro inni weld o'r newydd
  Mai ti, Arglwydd, yw ein rhan;
Aed dy bresenoldeb hyfryd
  Gyda'th weision i bob man:
Tyrd i lawr, Arglwydd mawr,
Rho dy fendith yma nawr.

Ymddisgleiria yn y canol,
  Gwêl dy bobol yma 'nghyd
Yn hiraethu, addfwyn lesu,
  Am gael gweld dy wyneb-pryd;
Golau cry' oddi fry
Chwalo bob rhyw gwmwl du.

Deued yr awelon hyfryd,
  Effaith Ysbryd gras, i lawr;
Llifed atom afon bywyd
  Dardd o dan yr orsedd fawr:
Arglwydd da, trugarha,
Y sychedig rai dyfrha.
Chwalo bob rhyw :: Chwytho bant y
Arglwydd da, trugarha :: Doed y Ha', Arglwydd da
Y sychedig rai :: 'Rhai sychedig

1788 John Thomas 1730-1803

    Arnsberg / Neander (Joachim Neander 1650-1680)
    Dolfor (alaw Gymreig)
    Priscilla (David John James 1743-1831)

(Petitioning the Presence of God)
Grant us to see anew
  That thou, Lord, art our part;
May thy lovely presence go
  With thy servants to every place:
Come down, great Lord,
Give thy blessing here now!

Shine thou in the midst,
  See thy people here together
Longing, gentle Jesus,
  To be able to see thy countenance;
Strong light from above
May it scatter every kind of black cloud.

May the lovely breezes come,
  The action of the Spirit of grace, down;
Let flow to us the river of life
  Which issues from under the great throne:
Good Lord, have mercy,
Water those who are thirsty!
May it scatter every kind of :: May it blow away the
Good Lord, have mercy :: Let the Summer come, good Lord

tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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