Dysg im' i fyw yn hyn o fyd

(Salm CXXXI - Ysbryd Gostyngedig)
Dysg im' i fyw yn hyn o fyd,
  Tra paro 'mywyd i,
Gan dreulio f'oes mewn isel fryd,
  Nes dyfod atat ti:

Heb roi fy mryd ar bethau mawr,
  I geisio ennill bri;
Ond oddi wrth fronau daiar lawr,
  Diddyfner f'enaid i.

Ymddiried f'enaid tra bo chwyth,
  Yn Arglwydd mawr y nef;
A chyda mi, boed Israel byth
  Yn dysgwyl wrtho ef.
Thomas Williams (Eos Gwynfa / Eos y Mynydd) c.1769-1848
Y Salmydd Cymreig 1856

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(Psalm 130 - A Humble Spirit)
Teach me to live in such a world as this,
  While my life endures,
Spending my lifespan in a lowly attitude,
  Until coming to thee:

Without setting my mind on great things,
  To try to win esteem;
But from the breasts of earth below,
  May my soul be weaned.

Let my soul trust while there be breath,
  In the great Lord of heaven;
And with me, may Israel forever be
  Waiting for him.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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