(Llwyddiant yr Efengyl)
'Dyw hi etto ond dechreu gwawrio
Yr haul a g'od yn uwch i'r lan;
Teyrnas Anghrist gaiff ei dryllio,
Iesu'n Frenin yn mhob man;
Cynhaua ddaw, mae gerllaw,
'Sgubau gesglir
yma a thraw.
Mi glywa lais y durtur fwynaidd
Efengyl Iesu newydd da;
Mae'r adar mân yn canu'n beraidd,
Mae ' wedi dechreu myn'd yn hâ:
Caethion prudd aeth yn rhydd,
Daeth yn Jubil lawen ddydd.
Chwi holl ffyddlon weision Iesu,
Cariad f'o 'n eich clymmu 'nghyd;
I dannu'r newydd da o ddeutu
Efengyl Iesu ar hyd y byd:
Parti sêl, darfod wnêl,
Derchafer Iesu yn ddigêl.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802
- - - - -
'Dyw hi eto ond dechreu gwawrio,
Fe gwyd yr haul yn uwch i'r lan,
Teyrnas Satan gaiff ei dryllio,
Iesu'n Frenin yn mhob man;
Cynhaua ddaw maes o law,
Gesglir 'sgubau
yma a thraw.
'Dyw hi :: Nid yw
John Thomas 1730-1804?
[Mesur: 8787337]
(The Success of the Gospel)
Dawn is still only beginning to break
The sun shall rise up high;
The Antichrist's kingdom shall get smashed,
Jesus as King in every place;
A harvest shall come; it is at hand,
Sheaves are to be gathered
here and there.
I here the voice of the gentle turtledove
The gospel of Jesus - good news;
The small birds are singing sweetly,
It has begun to become summer:
Sad captives have gone free,
The Jubilee has come - a joyful day.
All ye faithful servants of Jesus,
May love be tying you together;
To sound the good news about
The gospel of Jesus across the world:
Party zeal, shall pass away,
Jesus shall be exalted openly.
- - - - -
Dawn is still only beginning to break,
The sun rises high up,
The kingdom of Satan will get smashed,
Jesus as King in every place;
The harvest will come soon,
Sheaves are to be gathered
here and there.
tr. 2017,23 Richard B Gillion