Dywaid i mi pa ddyn a drig
Dywed i mi pa ddyn a drig

[1] Dywed i mi pa ddyn a drig
  I'th lŷs parchedig, Arglwydd;
A phwy a erys ac a fydd
  Yn mynydd dy sancteiddrwydd?

[2] Yr hwn a rodia'n berffaith dda,
  Yr hwn a wna gyfiawnder,
A'r hwn a draetha o'i galon wir,
  A drig ar dir uchelder.

[4] Yr hwn sydd isel yn ei fryd,
  Yn caru ei gyd-Grist'nogion;
Yr hwn sy'n ofni'r Arglwydd Dduw,
  Ac sydd yn byw yn ffyddlon;

[5] Na gwobr, na rhodd,
      yr hwn ni fyn,
  Er dàl yn erbyn gwirion;
A wnelo hyn ni lithra fyth,
  Fe gaiff y ddilyth goron.

[[5] 'R hwn wedi'r cwbl ei bwys a rydd
   Ar ras yr Arglwydd tirion; -
 A wnelo hyn, ni lithra fyth,
    Fe gaiff y ddilyth goron.]
Dywed :: Dywaid
lŷs parchedig, Arglwydd :: lŷs, barchedig Arglwydd
wedi'r cwbl ei bwys a rydd :: ei bwys a rydd yn rhwydd

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Llanfihangel (<1835)
Llangranog (John Parry 1787-1860)
Mary (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Persia (<1869)
Prys (E T Davies 1878- )
Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)
Silesia (Salmydd I Clauderi 1630)

gwelir: O Dduw'r santeiddrwydd pwy a fydd?

(Psalm 15)
[1] Tell me what man shall reside
  To thy revered court, Lord;
And who shall remain and be
  In the mountain of thy holiness?

[2] The one who walks perfectly well,
  The one who does righteousness,
And the one who expounds from his true heart,
  Shall reside on land of height.

[4] The one who is lowly in his attitude,
  Loving his fellow-Christian;
The one who fears the Lord God,
  And who is living faithfully;

[5] Neither prize, nor gift,
      will this one demand,
  Though he remain against folly;
Whoever does this shall never slip,
  He shall have the unfailing crown.

[[5] The one who has completely leaned
  On the grace of the gentle Lord; -
Whoever does this shall never slip,
  He shall have the unfailing crown.
revered court, Lord :: court, revered Lord
who has completely leaned :: who will lean

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

(Psalm XV)
1 Lord, who's the happy man, that may
    to thy blest courts repair?
  Not, stranger-like, to visit them,
    but to inhabit there?

2 'Tis he, whose e'ery thought and deed
    by rules of virtue moves;
  Whose gen'rous tongue disdains to speak
    the thing his heart disproves.

3 Who never did a slander forge,
    his neighbour's fame to wound;
  Not hearken to a false report,
    by malice whisper'd round.

4 Who vice, in all its pomp and pow'r,
    can treat with just neglect;
  And piety, tho' clothed in rags,
    religiously respect.

  Who to his plighted vows and trust
    has ever firmly stood;
  And though he promise tro his loss,
    he makes his promise good.

5 Whose soul in usury disdains
    his treasure to employ;
  Who no rewards can ever bribe
    the guiltless to destroy.

  The man, who by this steady course
    has happiness insured,
  When earth's foundation shakes,
      shall stand,
    by Providence secured.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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