Dywedai Iôn wrth f'Arglwydd mau
Dywedai'r Arglwydd wrth f'Arglwydd mau

1,2,3;  1,3,4,(5,6),7.
(Salm CX)
Dywedai Iôn wrth f'Arglwydd mau,
  Ar fy llaw ddehau eistedd,
Nes roddi'r rhai a gais dy waed,
  Yn faingc draed it', i orwedd.

'R Arglwydd denfyn
    ffrewyll dy nerth
  O ddinas fawr-werth Sion:
Pan lywodraethech yn eu mysg,
  Gwna derfysg ar d'elynion.

Yn nydd dy nerth
    dy bobl a ddaw,
  Ag aberth llaw'n 'wyllysgar;
Yn sanctaidd hardd
    daw'r cynnyrch tau,
  O wlith y borau hawddgar.

Yr Arglwydd dyngodd, ac ni wâd,
  Ti sy'n Offeiriad bythol,
Wrth urdd Melchisedec
    odd' fry
  A bery yn dragwyddol.

Yr Arglwydd ar Dy ddeheu law
  Brenhinoedd draw a friwia;
Brenhinoedd cryfion, uchel frîg,
  Yn nydd Ei ddîg archolla.

Ar y cenhedloedd rhydd farn iawn,
  A'u gwlad gwna'n llawn celanedd;
A llawer pen dros wledydd mawr
  A dỳr i lawr yn unwedd.

O wir frys i'r gyflafan hon,
  Fe ŷf o'r afon nesa'
A gaffo ar ei ffordd yn rhwydd,
  A'r Arglwydd a'i dyrchafa.
Dywedai Iôn :: Dywdai'r Arglwydd

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Altona/Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
    Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
    Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)

(Psalm 110)
The Sovereign Lord said to my Lord,
  At my right hand sit,
Until giving those who seek thy blood,
  As a foot-stool to the, to lie.

The Lord shall send
    the scourge of thy strength
  From the great city of Zion:
When ye govern in their midst,
  Make a tumult upon thy enemies.

In the day of thy strength
    thy people shall come,
  With a sacrifice fully willing;
In holy beauty
    shall come thy produce,
  From the beautiful dew of the morning.

The Lord swore, and will not deny,
  Thou art a Priest forever,
According to the order of Melchizedek
    from above
  Which shall endure eternally.

The Lord at Thy right hand
  Kings yonder he shall bruise;
Strong kings, of high degree,
  In the day of His anger he will break.

Upon the nations he will give true judgment,
  An their land make full of corpses;
And many a head across the great lands
  He shall cut down likewise.

From true haste to this slaughter,
  He will drink from the next river
That he finds on his way readily,
  And the Lord shall exalt it.

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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