Edrych nefol Dad i lawr

(Litani - Plant)
Edrych, nefol Dad, i lawr,
Yn dy ras a'th gariad mawr,
Ar dy fychain blant yn awr,
  Gwrando, Dad, a gwared ni.

Iesu, bur ddihalog Un,
Buost blentyn ar ein llun,
A derbyniaist blant dy Hun,
  Arglwydd Iesu, gwared ni.

Ysbryd Glân, o'r nefoedd fry,
Tyrd i lawr, gwna yma dŷ,
Llanw'n bron â chariad cu;
  Ysbryd Glân, O! gwared ni.

Dad, a Mab, ac Ysbryd Glân,
Drindod Sanctaidd ddiwahân,
Pura ni â nefol dân;
  Dri yn Un, O! gwared ni.

Trwy dy dyner gariad pur,
Cariad ddaliodd dan bob cur,
Gwarth, ac ing, a'r hoelion dur;
  Arglwydd Iesu, gwared ni.

Pan fo diafol, cnawd, a byd
Yn ymdrechu denu'n bryd,
Boed ein gweddi ni bob pryd,
  Argwlydd Iesu, gwared ni.

Pan fônt hwy'n ein temtio'n groes -
I sancteiddrwydd, purdeb, moes,
Dysg in lefain trwy ein hoes,
  Arglwydd Iesu, gwared ni.

Pan rydd Angau, brenin braw,
Arnom ni ei rymus law,
Ac yn Nydd y Farn a ddaw,
  Arglwydd Iesu, gwared ni.

Pryd y gelwi ni o'r bedd
Pâr in godi ar dy wedd,
I fwynhau tragwyddol hedd;
  Arglwydd Iesu, gwared ni.
fychain blant yn awr :: blant sydd yma'n awr
Tyrd i lawr, gwna yma :: Tyred, trig o fewn dy
Pan fônt hwy'n ein temtio'n :: A phan demtiant ni yn
rymus :: oerllyd
Pryd y gelwi ni :: A phan alwer ni

cyf. Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tonau [7777]:
Aberafon (John H Roberts 1848-1924)
Helfer meiner armen Seele (Heilige Seelenlust 1657)
Lubeck (Gesangbuch Freylinghausen 1704)
Lyne (Magdalen Hymns c.1760)

(A Litany - Children)
Look, heavenly Father, down,
In thy grace and thy great love,
On thy little children now,
  Listen, Father, and deliver us.

Jesus, pure unspotted One,
Thou wast a child in our likeness,
And thou didst receive children thyself,
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.

Holy Spirit, from heaven above,
Come down, make here a house,
Flood our breast with dear love;
  Holy Spirit, O deliver us!

Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,
Thou undivided Holy Trinity,
Purify us with heavenly fire;
  Three in One, O deliver us!

Through thy tender, pure love,
The love that held under every blow,
Scorn, and pang, and the steel nails;
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.

When the devil, flesh, and world be
Endeavouring to attract our intent,
May our prayer every time be
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.

When they are tempting us adversely -
For holiness, purity, morals,
Teach us to cry throughout our life,
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.

When death, the king of terror, puts
Upon us his forceful hand,
And in the coming day of judgment,
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.

When thou callest us from the grave
Cause us to rise in thy image,
To enjoy eternal peace;
  Lord Jesus, deliver us.
little children now :: children who are here now
Come down, make here :: Come, dwell within thy
When they are tempting us :: And when they tempt us
forceful :: chilling
When thou callest us :: And when we are called

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion


Charlotte Sellon -1864-

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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