Efengyl tangnefedd [ehed / O rhed] dros y byd

Efengyl tangnefedd,
    O rhed dros y byd,
A deled y bobloedd
    i'th lewyrch i gyd;
  Na foed neb heb wybod
      am gariad y groes,
  A brodyr i'w gilydd
      fo dynion pob oes.

Sancteiddier y ddaear
    gan Ysbryd y ne';
Boed Iesu yn Frenin,
    a neb ond efe:
  Y tywysogaethau
      mewn hedd wrth ei draed
  A phawb yn ddiogel
      dan arwydd ei waed.

Efengyl tangnefedd,
    dos rhagot yn awr,
A doed dy gyfiawnder
    o'r nefoedd i lawr,
  Fel na byddo mwyach
      na dial na phoen
  Na chariad at ryfel,
      ond rhyfel yr Oen.
O! rhed :: ehed

Eliseus Williams (Eifion Wyn) 1867-1926

Tonau [11 11 11 11]:
Caernarfon (alaw Eglwysig)
Glantawe (David Richards 1880-1950)
  Holly Mount (L v Beethoven / E T Davies)
Joanna (alaw Gymreig)
Richmond Hill (David J de Lloyd 1883-1948)

Gospel of peace,
    O run across the world,
And let all the people
    come to thy radiance;
  May none be without knowledge
      of the love of the cross,
  And brothers to each other
      be men of every age.

To be sanctified is the earth
    by the spirit of heaven;
May Jesus be King,
    and none but he:
  The principalities
      in peace at his feet
  And everyone safe
      under the sign of his cross.

Gospel of peace,
    come on now,
And may thy righteousness come
    from heaven to earth,
  That there may be no more
      retribution or pain
  Nor love of war,
      but the war of the Lamb.
O run :: fly

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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