Efengyl anadl Duw yw hon

(Yr Efengyl)
Efengyl, anadl Duw yw hon,
  Yn ail fywhau y byd;
Mae anfarwoldeb yn ei gwedd,
  A'i geiriau'n wir i gyd.

Goleuni yw - gorthrecha'r nos,
  Gỳr d'wyllwch du ar ffo;
Ei llewyrch ddengys lwybrau Duw,
  Trwy'r byd i'r freiniol fro.

Mynegfys Iôr - hi ddengys nef
  I'r pererinion mad;
Arweinia i'r baradwys fry,
  Tywysa at y Tad.
? John William Hughes (Ederyn ab Nudd) 1817-49

Tôn [MC 8686]: French (CL Psalmes of David 1615)

(The Gospel)
Gospel, the breath of God is this,
  Reviving the world;
Immortality is in its countenance,
  And its words all true.

Light it is - it will vanquish the night,
  It will drive black darkness to flight;
Its radiance shows the paths of God,
  Through the world to the privileged vale.

The forefinger of the Lord - it shows heaven
  To the virtuous pilgrim;
It will guide to the paradise above,
  It will lead to the Father.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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