Eheded gyda brys I'r nefoedd glodydd glân, Mawr ymnstyngiad Lluniwr byd Sy'n haeddu bywiol gân. Rhaíd iddo blygu'n fawr At deulu dysclaer nef; Ond etto cofio mae am ddyn, Er maint, ei ſeíau ef! A gair o'i enau pur Gall sychu moroedd byd, A dryllio c'lofnau‘r neſoedd ſry, Mewn mynyd awr o'i lid. Er hyn tosturíol yw Wrth bryfed mân y llawr, Gan dd'od i gwrdd â'n rheidiau'n rhad A'i drugareddau mawr. Pob deigryn hallt îs nen Yn achos pechod cas, A gedwír ganddo megys gwin Yn nghostrel fawr ei ras. Pe gallwn codwn lais Hyd byrth Caersalem bell, Gan roi telynau'r nef mewn hwyl I ganu'n uwch a gwell.Casgliad o Hymnau (J Harris) 1824 |
Let holy praises fly With haste to the heavens, The great submission of the world's Designer Is deserving a lively song. He has to bow greatly To the shining family of heaven; But he is still remembering man, Despite the extent of his faults! With a word from his pure mouth He can dry the world's seas, And smash the pillars of the heavens above, In a minute from his wrath. Despite this, he is merciful To the small worms of the ground, By coming to meet our needs freely With his great mercies. Every salty tear under heaven Caused by detestable sin, Is kept by him like wine In the great flask of his grace. If I could I would raise a voice As far as the gates of distant Jerusalem, Putting the harps of heaven in tune To sing louder and 2023 Richard B Gillion |