Ei glôd, Sydd heb un terfyn iddo'n bôd, O aed y'mlaen fwy nag erioed, O gwmpas rhôd y ddaear fawr; Nes elo sŵn efengyl wîr, I dori'n glîr fyrddiynau i lawr. 'Does drai, Nac eisieu dim y man y mae, Mae'n llenwi'r cyfan yn ddilai, Pawb, O na bae yn gwel'd ei wedd, Sychedant am ei wir fwynhau, Mewn gwledd ddidrai, yn llawn o'i hedd. Daw dydd, I'r carcharorion fyn'd yn rhydd, O'u holl gadwynau tynion sydd, Mor felys fydd eu caniad hwy; Am ddioddefaint addfwyn Oen, Bydd hyfryd sôn, heb ddiwedd mwy. Daw, daw, 'R hyfryd fore, mae ger llaw, Bydd pawb a'i delyn yn ei law, Heb ofn na braw, y'nghwmni'r Oen, Ond canu i drag'wyddoldeb maith, Ar ben y daith, heb friw na phoen. Clod, clod, I'r Oen a laddwyd cyn fy mod, Y parch a'r mawl i'w enw boed, Am iddo erioed, a'i gariad rhad, Ro'i serch ar wael syrthiedig ddyn, Mawr iawn yw rhin ei ddwyfol waed. - - - - - 1,(2),3,4. Ei glôd, Sydd heb un terfyn iddo'n bôd, O! aed yn mlaen fwy nag erioed, O gwmpas rhôd y ddaear fawr, Nes elo sŵn efengyl bur I dòri'n glir fyrddiynau i lawr. Mwy, mwy Yw buddugoliaeth dwyfol glwy', A'i goncwest helaeth gyrhaedd trwy Galonau fwy na rhif y gwlith; Yn nydd Ei nerth, y gwànaf un Wrth Hwn a lỳn yn ffyddlon byth. Mae, mae Rhyw hiraeth ynwyf yn parhau Am wel'd yr amser hyny'n glau - Y pryd y mae fy Arglwydd rhâd I dderbyn Ei ogoniant mawr, Gan nef a llawr, am roddi Ei waed. Yn awr, Addfwynaf Iesu, tyr'd i lawr, Helaetha Dy frenhiniaeth fawr; C'od, ddedwydd wawr iachusol ddydd, I'r carcharorion fyn'd i maes O'r pydew câs heb ddwfr sydd. Yn awr :: O 'nawr I'r carcharorion :: Rho'r carcharorion heb ddwfr sydd :: heb ddwfr y sydd
Tonau [288.888]:
gwelir: |
His acclaim, Is without any end to it, O may it go forward more than ever Around the circle of the great earth; Until the true gospel's sound goes Clearly to break myriads down. There is no ebbing, Nor any need at all, It is filling the whole unfailingly, Everyone, O that they might see his face, They thirst truly to enjoy him, In an unebbing feast, full of his peace. The day comes, For the prisoners to go free, From all their tight chains they have, How sweet shall be their song; About the suffering of the gentle Lamb, Shall be a delightful sound, with nevermore any end. Come, come, Shall the delightful morning, it is at hand, Everyone shall have his harp in his hand, Without fear or terror, in the company of the Lamb, But sing for a vast eternity, At the journey's end, without bruise or pain. Acclaim, acclaim, To the Lamb who was slain before I was, The reverence and the praise be to his name, Because he always, with his free love, Set his affection on base, fallen man, Very great is the merit of his divine blood. - - - - - His acclaim, Is without any end to it, O may it go forward more than ever! Around the circle of the great earth, Until the sound of the pure gospel goes Clearly to break myriads down. Greater, greater Is the victory of a divine wound, And its vast conquest reach through Hearts more numerous than the dew; In the day of his strength, the weakest one Shall stick by him faithfully forever. There is, there is Some enduring longing in me To see this time hastening - The occasion when my gracious Lord Receives his great glory, From heaven and earth, for giving his blood. Now, Dearest Jesus, come down, Extend thy great kingship; Arise, happy dawn of saving day, For the prisoners to go out Of the detestable pit which is without water. Now :: O now For the prisoners to :: To let the prisoners :: tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |