Ein nefol Dad gwir ffynnon fyw
Ein nefol Dad wyt ffynnon fyw

(Emyn Priodas)
Ein nefol Dad,
    wyt ffynnon fyw,
Pob doniau pur i ddynol-ryw;
  A lluniaist ein calonnau ni
  I'w llenwi hwy â'th gariad Di.

Bendithia'n awr y ddeuddyn hyn,
Yn rhwymyn eu cyfamod gwyn;
  Boed ar eu llw
      a'u gwnaeth yn un
  Sêl dy Gyfamod Di dy Hun.

Dy gariad sanctaidd fyddo mwy
Yn rym di-lyth i'w cariad hwy;
  Diogel fyddant rhag pob brad
  Yn d'ofal Di, y Dwyfol Dad.

Eu haelwyd, cysegredig fydd,
Dy wên a dry bob nos yn ddydd;
  Cânt nerth i ddwyn
      pob baich ynghyd:
  O dan dy fendith, gwyn eu byd.

O! nefol Dad, prysura'r pryd
I achub holl deuluoedd byd;
  A rhwymo pawb o ddynol-ryw
  Yn un bendigaid deulu Duw.
wyt :: gwir

1924 John Owen Williams (Pedrog) 1853-1932

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Arizona (R H Earnshaw 1856-1929)
Frodsham (Albert H Walker 1862- )
Herongate (alaw Seisnig)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Rockingham (E Miller 1731-1807)
Warrington (Ralph Harrison 1748-1810)

(Wedding Hymn)
Our heavenly Father,
    thou art the living fount,
Of every pure gift to human-kind;
  And thou didst design our hearts
  To be filled with thy love.

Bless thou now this couple,
In the bonds of their bright covenant;
  May there be upon their oath
       which made them one
  The seal of thine own covenant.

May thy sacred love be evermore
A genuine force to their love;
  Safe they shall be from every betrayal
  In thy care, the divine Father.

Their homestead, sacred it shall be,
Thy smile shall turn every night into day;
  They shall get strength to bear
      every burden together:
  Under thy blessing, blessed be they.

O heavenly Father, hasten the time
To save all the families of the world;
  And bind everyone of human-kind
  In one blessed family of God.
thou art the :: the true

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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