Ein Tad a'n Duw yr hwn wyt yn y nef

(Gweddi yr Arglwydd)
Ein Tad a'n Duw,
    yr hwn wyt yn y nef,
O'th uchel lys,
    O gwrando di ein llef!
  Sancteiddier yn mhob man
      dy enw mawr;
  A'th deyrnas doed
      i lenwi daear lawr.

D'ewyllys ar y
    ddaear hon, O Dduw,
A wneler gan holl
    raddau dynol ryw:
  Fel yn y nef gan
      luoedd teg eu gwawr,
  Un modd y gwnelom
      ninnau ar y llawr.

Ein bara dod in'
    heddyw fel bob pryd;
A maddeu ein
    dyledion oll i gyd:
  Maddeuwn ninnau'n rhwydd
      bob cam a chas
  I'n holl ddyledwyr blin
      trwy rin dy ras.

Nac arwain di
    mo honom yn dy wg
I'n temtio byth;
    ond gwared ni rhag drwg:
  Can's eiddot ti yw'r deyrnas,
      Ior ein Pen,
  Y gallu, a'r
      gogoniant, byth: Amen.
Y Caniadydd 1841


(The Lord's Prayer)
Our Father and our God,
    who art in heaven,
From thy high court,
    O listen thou to our cry!
  Be sanctified in every place
      thy great name;
  And may thy kingdom come
      to fill earth below.

Thy will on this
    earth, O God,
Be done by all
    degrees of human kind:
  As in heaven by
      hosts with their fair dawn,
  The same way may we
      also on the earth below.

Our bread give to us
    today as every occasion;
And forgive all
    our debts altogether:
  We too forgive freely
      every fault and enmity
  To all our grievous debtors
      through the merit of thy grace.

Lead thou not
    us in thy frown
Ever to be tempted;
    but deliver us from evil:
  Since belonging to thee is the kingdom,
      Lord our Head,
  The power, and the
      glory, forever: Amen.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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