Ein tafod wnaed i foli Duw

(Our tongues were made to praise the Lord)

(Rheoli'r Tafod)
Ein tafod wnaed i foli Duw,
  Nid i roi gair di-fri;
Pan gablo eraill yn ein clyw,
  Distewi ddylem ni.

Pob geiriau croesion llid a gwawd,
  Yn haeddu cerydd sydd;
A'r hwn ddifenwo chwaer neu frawd,
  O uffern euog fydd.

Gwefusau, mewn rhyfygus fai,
  A draethant gabledd drwg -
Ni oddef Duw y cyfryw rai,
  Fe'u tery dan Ei wg.

O Bethel gynt daeth plant di-foes

  I wawdio proffwyd Duw;

A'u rhyfyg drodd yn chwerw loes -

  Fath rybudd i ni yw!

Ofnadwy, Arglwydd mawr, wyt Ti,
  I bechaduriaid câs;
I ffrwyno'n tafod cymorth fi,
  A dyro im' Dy ras.
cyf. Robert Owen (Eryron Gwyllt Walia) 1803-70

Tôn [MC 8686]: St Fulbert (H J Gauntlett 1805-1876)

(Controlling the Tongue)
Our tongue was made to praise God,
  Not to utter a defamatory word;
When others blaspheme in our hearing,
  We should silence them.

Every angry, cross and mocking word ,
  Is deserving of rebuke;
And whoever defames sister or brother,
  Of hell will be guilty.

Lips, in a rash fault,
  Which express wicked profanity -
God will not suffer such as these,
  He will strike them under His frown.

From Bethel of old came vulgar children

  To mock God's prophet;

And their temerity turned into bitter anguish -

  A sort of warning to us it is!

Terrible, great Lord, art Thou,
  To hateful sinners;
To bridle our tongue help me,
  and give me Thy grace.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion
(Against Scoffing and Calling Names)
Our tongues were made to praise the Lord,
  And not speak ill of men:
When others give a railing word,
  We must not rail again.

Cross words and angry names require
  To be chastised at school;
And he's in danger of hell-fire
  That calls his brother fool.

But lips that dare be so profane
  To mock, and jeer, and scoff
At holy things, or holy men,
  The Lord shall cut them off.

When children, in their wanton play,
  Served old Elisha so,
And bade the prophet go his way,
  'Go up, thou bald head, go!'

God quickly stopp'd their wicked breath;
  And sent two raging bears,
That tore them limb from limb to death,
  With blood, and groans, and tears.

Great God! how terrible art thou
  To sinners e'er so young:
Grant me thy grace, and teach me how
  To tame and rule my tongue.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Divine and Moral Songs for Children

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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