Er cael cyfeillion hoff

(Cyfaill Pechaduriaid)
  Er cael cyfeillion hoff
    Ymadael maent o hyd,
  Ond digyfnewid yw
    Y Cyfaill gorau i gyd;
Ei gariad a'i ffyddlondeb maith
A'm cynnal i ar ddyrys daith.

  Mae'r golau sy'n ei wedd
    Yn troi y nos yn ddydd;
  Ac ar ei gadarn fraich
    Mi ddof o'm hofnau'n rhydd;
Gorchfygodd allu'r
      byd a'r bedd
Heb gymorth arfog lu a chledd.

  Mae'n Feddyg sy'n iacháu
    Archollion dyfna'r fron;
  A phan derfysgo'r môr
    Mae'n llywodraethu'r don;
Pe llosgai'r byd,
    pe syrthiai'r nen,
Cawn ar ei fynwes bwyso 'mhen.
D J Morgan 1876-1950

Tôn [666688]: Rhosymedre (John D Edwards 1805-85)

(Friend of Sinners)
  Although having dear friends
    They are always leaving,
  But unchangeable is
    The best friend altogether;
His love and his vast faithfulness
Uphold me on a troublesome journey.

  The light that is in his countenance
    Is turning the night into day;
  And on his firm arm
    I shall come from all my fears free;
He overcame the powers of the
      world and the grave
Without help of armed force and sword.

  He is a Physician who is healing
    The deepest wounds of the breast;
  And when the sea grows tumultuous
    He is ruling the wave;
If the world should burn,
      if the sky should fall,
On his bosom I might lean my head.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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