Er edrych ac edrych ar Iesu

(Ardderchogrwydd yr Iesu)
Er edrych ac edrych ar Iesu,
  Rhyfeddol yw'r harddwch y sydd
Yn t'w'nu'n ei Hanfod ardderchog,
  Godidog, i'w ganfod bob dydd:
Mil mwy yw
    gogoniant ei Berson,
  Na welodd marwolion erioed;
Ni ddichon angylion na dynion
  Roi allan yn gyson ei glod.

Mae ynddo'r fath fôr o ryfeddod,
  'Rwy'n soddi mewn syndod wrth son
Am degwch a harddwch rhyfeddol
  Gogoniant anfeidrol yr Oen:
Ei weled sydd nefoedd o wynfyd
  Tra hyfryd, a bywyd diboen;
Gorphwysfa i bob tragwyddoldeb
  Fydd hardd
      bresenoldeb yr Oen.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [9898D]: Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)

gwelir: Po fwyaf fyfyriaf am Iesu

(The Excellence of Jesus)
Although looking an looking at Jesus,
  Wonderful is the beauty there is
Shining in his excellent, supreme
  Being, to be found every day:
A thousand times more is
    the glory of his Person,
  Than mortals ever saw;
Neither angels nor men are able
  To set forth constantly his praise.

There is in him the kind of sea of wonder,
  I am sinking in surprise at the mention
Of the fairness and wonderful beauty
  Of the immeasurable glory of the Lamb:
To see him is heavens of blessedness
  So delightful, and a painless life;
A resting-place for all eternity
  Shall be the beautiful
      presence of the Lamb.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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