Eheded iechydwriaeth
Llanwed (yr) iachawdwriaeth

(Galwad yr Efengyl)
  Eheded iechydwriaeth
  Dros gyrrau'r holl greadigaeth;
A doed ynysoedd pell y byd
  I gyd-gael meddyginiaeth:
  Mae'r Brenin ar ei orsedd
  Yn siriol yn ymhŵedd
Ar bechaduriaid tlodion gwael
  Ddod ato i gael ymgeledd.

  Mae'r ddyled wedi'i thalu,
  Ac uffern wedi'i maeddu,
Gobeithiol garcharorion sy
  Yn dod yn llu i fynu:
  Mae'r pyrth yn llawn agored,
  Doed Israel o'r caethiwed;
Pob llesg a gwan,
    fyth ger ei fron,
 Ei wedd yn llon cânt weled.

  Mae'n achub hyd yr eitha'
  Y pechaduriaid mwya';
Fe drefnwyd ffordd i gadw dyn
  Gan Dri yn Un Jehofa;
  Anturiwn ninnau arno,
  Mae Iesu'n achub eto,
A chroeso i bechaduriaid mawr
  Bob munud awr ddod ato.

  Hosanna, Haleliwa,
  I'r Oen fu ar Galfaria;
Gorphennwyd iachawdwriaeth dyn,
  Efe ei hun yw'r noddfa:
  Tragwyddol ddiolch iddo,
  Am faddeu a thosturio;
Anfeidrol fraint
    i lwch y llawr
  Fod croeso'n awr
      ddod ato.

            - - - - -

  Llanwed yr iachawdwriaeth,
  Fel môr di drai yn helaeth,
A doed ynysoedd pell y byd,
  I gyd gael meddyginiaeth:
  Mae'r brenin ar ei orsedd,
  Yn cynnyg o'i drugaredd,
I bechaduriaid tlodion gwael,
  Dd'od atto i gael ymgeledd.

  Mae'r dyled wedi ei dalu,
  Ac uffern wedi ei maeddu,
Gobeithiol garcharorion sy,
  Yn d'od yn llu i fynu,
  Mae'r pyrth yn llawn agored,
  Doed Israel o'r caethiwed,
Pob llesg a gwan,
    byth ger ei fron,
  Cant wel'd yn llon
      ei nodded.

  Mae'n achub hyd yr eitha,
  Y pechaduriaid mwya'
Fe drefnwyd ffordd i gadw dyn,
  Gan Dri yn Un Jehofa,
  Anturiwn ninnau atto,
  Mae Iesu'n achub etto,
A chroeso i bechaduriaid mawr,
  Bob mynud awr ddo'd atto.

  Hosanna, Haleluia,
  I'r Oen fu ar Galfaria,
Gorphenodd iachawdwriaeth dyn,
  Efe ei hun yw'r noddfa,
  Trag'wyddol ddiolch iddo,
  Am faddeu a thosturio,
Anfeidrol fraint
    i lwch y llawr,
  Fod croeso'n awr
      ddo'd atto.
Llanwed yr iachawdwriaeth :: Llanwed iachawdwriaeth

Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [7787D]:
  Angharad (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Hosanna (James Mills 1790-1844)

  Hosanna Haleliwia (I'r Oen fu ar Galfaria)

(The Call of the Gospel)
  Let salvation fly
  Over all the corners of creation;
And let the world's distant islands come
  To receive treatment together:
  The King is on his throne
  Cheerfully imploring
Poor, base sinners
  To come to him to get succour.

  The debt has been paid,
  And hell has been beaten,
Hopeful prisoners are
  Coming up as a host:
  The gates are fully open,
  Let Israel come from the captivity;
Everyone feeble and weak,
    forever before him,
  His countenance shall get to see.

  He is saving to the uttermost
  The greatest sinners;
A way was arranged to keep man
  By Three in One Jehovah;
  Let us too venture upon him,
  Jesus is rescuing still,
And welcomes great sinners
  Every minute of an hour to come to him.

  Hosannah, Hallelujah,
  To the Lamb who was on Calvary;
The salvation of man was finished,
  He himself is the refuge:
  Eternal thanks to him,
  For forgiving and showing mercy;
It is an immeasurable privilege
    for the dust of the ground
  That there is a welcome
      now to come to him.

               - - - - -

  Let the salvation flood,
  Like an unebbing sea generously,
And let the world's distant islands come
  To receive treatment together:
  The King is on his throne,
  Offering of his mercy,
To poor, base sinners
  To come to him to get succour.

  The debt has been paid,
  And hell been beaten,
It is hopeful prisoners who are
  Coming up as a throng,
  The portals are fully open,
  Let Israel come from the captivity,
Everyone weak and feeble,
    forever before him,
  They may cheerfully get
      to see his refuge.

  He is saving to the uttermost,
  The greatest sinners;
A way was arranged to save man,
  My the Three in One Jehovah,
  Let us too venture to him,
  Jesus is still saving,
And welcoming great sinners,
  Every minute to come to him.

  Hosannah, Hallelujah,
  To the Lamb who was on Calvary,
He finished the salvation of man,
  He himself is the refuge,
  Eternal thanks to him,
  For forgiving and showing mercy,
It is an immeasurable privilege
    for the dust of the ground,
  That there is a welcome
      now to come to him.
Let the salvation flood :: Let salvation flood

tr. 2019,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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